At a table for three, Quint shares his experience with alcoholism from growing up with a father who drank, and his own road to recovery. Quint began drinking at 15 and gradually discovered anxieties and concerns would be magically misted away through a haze of beer and wine – and that started a pattern for the next 40 years.
Eventually deciding his future was more important than alcohol, Quint started his road to recovery. The first 5 years were spent trying to stop drinking with bargaining, “I’ll only drink this much” or “I’ll only drink between this hour to this hour”. The “I can outthink this” and “I can outdo this” didn’t work because sure as eggs is eggs he couldn’t do it by himself. Quint recalls his experience with alcoholism felt unique – he didn’t relate to others in AA who had flipped cars, lost their jobs, or manhandled significant others. But when he finally found the right AA group and a sponsor – that was the start of his recovery journey.
Quint is currently leading the company Shoot You Animation & Video production with employees in Amsterdam, New York and Los Angeles.
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In this episode:
ShootYou Animation:
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Recorded at Audiohive Podcasting:
In collaboration with Care Addiction Center: