From the Bunker; Pete joins in for a coffee.

Pete, from the FaceBook group “Sober Revolution,” joins Mike and Glenn to share his story.  With the weight of alcohol and drug abuse lifted, Pete works a program of discipline, focus, and drive.  His page, a community coming together to support and challenge one another to create a Sober Revolution in people’s lives, has been around for six years and shares our mission: to help one today.

The Power of NO (and yes)

Mike and Glenn explore the power of “NO” and “YES.”  Protecting and maturing in their sobriety takes effort and confidence; there are times when boundaries and disciplines are most important.  Listen in as these important words are discussed.  

The Value of Trust

Mike and Glenn take some time to discuss Trust and how the omission of facts bends the truth. They share that they fear the small weights of dishonesty as they can pile up and become risks in sobriety.