Table for 3 – Jen in the room! Jen is sharing about sobriety in a big way – with Ted Talks. While the anonymity of AA serves us well in the very beginning of sobriety, Jen found her route to service wasn’t becoming a sponsor, it was becoming an advocate that sober life is pretty amazing once we accept and start living in it. She didn’t see that message out there so now she’s bringing the message to light in big ways.
In this episode:
– Tedx Talk with Jen Gilhoi: Why we should rethink drinking culture
– Jen Gilhoi website:
– Zero Proof Collective: Website featuring NA Playbook
For more about this podcast:
– Visit Sober.Coffee website:
– Sober.Coffee on Instagram:
– Recorded at Audiohive Podcasting:
– In collaboration with Care Addiction Center: