Spice Up Your Health: How Incorporating Anti-Inflammatory Spices Can Benefit Your Body

Inflammation is a natural response of the body to injury or infection, but chronic inflammation can lead to various health problems. One way to combat inflammation is through diet, specifically by incorporating spices with anti-inflammatory properties into your meals.
Today we will share four (4) spices that can help fight inflammation and explore how to incorporate these spices into your diet to reap their anti-inflammatory benefits. We also provide a delicious and nutritious recipe for an anti-inflammatory spiced smoothie that incorporates all four spices, and offer tips for adjusting the recipe to suit your taste preferences.

Join us as we uncover the power of anti-inflammatory spices and how they can help promote a healthier body and mind.

[01:25] What Exactly is Turmeric
[03:09] Turmeric for Pain
[07:54] Turmeric vs Ginger
[11:15] Cinnamon’s Anti-inflammatory Properties.
[15:40] Why Garlic is Good For Heart Disease?
[16:54] Oxidative Stress: The Root Cause of Major Illnesses
[21:26] The Anti-inflammatory Spice Smoothie


+ Anti-inflammation Smoothie Recipe: https://brownwomenwellness.com/blogs/health-tips/anti-inflammatory-spiced-smoothie-recipe

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Thank you for listening. We hope this podcast has been informative & an inspiring resource to create the kind of life you want with your health in mind.

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Oh, this is gonna be a fun one here today Aaqila we don’t talk about the top four spices in your life, how you can use them to help you incorporate it to Lower the inflammation in your body. I mean, the stuff that you guys already gone in your home. And these fours for if you don’t have it, it’s easy to get. That’s what we got to talk about and when we come back what those top four spices are and tell you how to use them too. We’ll be right back.

Hey brown beauties Welcome to live in inflammation free with me andretta Robison, your functional nutrition health coach and I’m Akela Harvey, we are Your mother daughter hosts bringing two different generations together bi weekly to give you easy actionable steps to help reduce your body of chronic inflammation.

Well, Aaqila, we’re gonna talk about the four spices. Let’s do a drumroll Can we do a drumroll.

Okay, all right. Let’s start with number one. Can you guess what the top, number one spice to help you get rid of inflammation is? you’ve probably been hearing about it. But we’re gonna tip we’re gonna break it down to you today. Aaqila, what is it? turmeric. Turmeric! is that my Oprah voice? you get a tumeric, you get a tumeric. Okay.

Okay, what exactly is tumeric? So Tumeric is a perennial plant, a perennial, excuse me, perennial perennial excuze me perennial plant that belongs to the ginger families, right so is a commonly used spice colouring agent in like India, Middle Eastern Southeast Asian cooking. Yes. And just break it right there. But you know, have you ever gone to one of those restaurants? One of the Middle Eastern restaurants and if you noticed how their food is yellow and I didn’t know that it was because of this

It was because of the spices, turmeric, because if you ever look at Tumeric so turmeric looks like, if you’ve ever seen a ginger plant, they look almost the same.

Exactly, it’s like orange yellow. And so what they do is and you find it as like dried, it’s like a fine powder. And you take that and you can use it in your dishes and it has and if it takes them

If tasted by itself as like a really taste kinda bitter. It’s got a warm kind of bitter taste, but it’s used in curries and soups and sauces. But what makes Tumeric work and be anti inflammatory? Is that an ingredient a compound this in it called

called curcumin curcumin, yes, okay, it works by blocking the activity of certain enzymes in your body that promote inflammation. Let me tell you something.

So you know, I’m a woman of a certain age.

Got to say, and I started noticing when I would wake up in the morning, I would always have these aches and pains and I go, what is going wrong, man? Now I’m like, What is this?

And I’m one of those people that swing out the bed. I don’t I don’t I’m not a person that get up first. Slowly out a bit. I swing out. Okay.

I’ll do that as of late.

That’s what I’m trying to tell you. So I’ve noticed that I was you know, getting out of bed a little slower and I went okay, this ain’t working for me. So what I did was I started taking tumeric and appeal form. I take mine a little small pill form to them a day. Now I’m gonna tell you something. It doesn’t work overnight. This is not an aspirin. Right? This is not y’all out there. Don’t be run around. I did it one more time. Okay. People tend to think it’s supposed to work right away. It is not an ask for it does take time because it’s natural for it to actually get into your bloodstream. So for me, I started noticing a difference after a really a real difference after three months. I did notice a difference after a few weeks but after a few months, it just totally went away. I mean, my pain went away and and I know is to Tumeric now, before we get into other ways in which you can consume Tumeric when it comes to the pill form, do you have recommendations or what people should look out for us as far as the type but there’s so many different red pills out there and they all made the same and that’s a good question because Tumeric is cheap, y’all. So if y’all out there, I’m gonna tell you somebody’s really cheap. If you look at it in the store, if you see it for real, you’d be like, Oh my god, I must be overpaying because the first time that I got some Tumeric pills, they were extremely high. And what I found when I saw it loose, I was like, Wait a minute. Tumeric is like shouldn’t kosher appeal should be no more than two cents if that it’s really, really inexpensive. Okay, so but you know, you got these fancy people out there that’s taking tumeric and making it sound like it’s, you know, more than one will actually yeah, where in effect, it’s just a little and they say it’s better and powerful. And believe it or not, the powder form actually gets into the bloodstream a lot faster. Now of course. A little black pepper you probably have heard this, a little black pepper activates Tumeric to get into the bloodstream faster. Okay, so you may find companies that are promoting toward with a little black pepper and again, black pepper is not that expensive either. So don’t over dollar pay. That’s my point. I know they charge and they’re charging you for the fancy packaging, putting in all of that we put in term records to February Yes. But you can also use it on your food. You don’t by the way, don’t take much to record people won’t ask me a lot how much? I have a teaspoon. That’s all you need per day. Okay, a half a teaspoon and you can put that in your curry dishes. You can sprinkle it over your rice.

Yeah, you can put it in smoothies. I like to make golden milk at night. That’s another thing by the way. We talked about sleep

golden milk at night that’s another thing by the way, we talked about sleeping up at least the words right out of my mouth. golden milk will have you over here dose it especially if you mix it with a little almond milk and a little honey and spice and they sell golden milk, golden milk pack in a powder and hopefully helpful stores at Whole Foods. And we here at Golden milk is really just a powder of Tumeric in February, cinnamon and whatever else they put in it right and you add your milk source. Yes, exactly. And then you can also put it in your salad dressings, you know, because, again, it’s a lot of ways it gives a little burst of flavor. So it’s a lot of ways to incorporate Tumeric Tumeric is one of those things if you’re not doing it every day, find a way to incorporate Tumeric in your life because it is anti inflammatory. It is the number one anti inflammatory spice out there. Oh, also before we move on Tumeric can stain any in every day. So you need to be careful. Ask me how I know I have ruined so many good things that I did not want to because I just underestimated the power of that.

orange color. Yeah. So just be careful if you want to work locally even saying your fingers in yellow.

So just be mindful of that. All right, so much for that. So that’s number one. And number two is tumors causing tumor kava causes because of it’s called Ginger.

Yes, ginger, you guys number two something about they both look alike. If you’ve ever been to a Whole Foods store. In the little bins you’ll see the actual Tumeric the root of a turmeric and then you will download herbs you may see the root of the ginger they look identical and the same family they have the same family so so the root issues again I love ginger son that ginger has a better taste to it to me that turmeric is a little spicy, you know or spicy? Yeah, and a sweet dependent and you could do it and here’s another thing I just found out ginger is actually more effective in the dried powdered ginger Yes, I did not know that I’m actually fake allergic to ginger believe it I really mess with the allergy tests. Oh no. Oh no. Well, oh no sweat. Well, Ginger is used for as muddy as hell. I mean, I mean, the soothsayer is we’re using ginger and turmeric back in the day.

And I made Ginger has been studied a lot for us anti inflammatory, it’s an antioxidant. It also has anti nausea, nausea property. So so if you feel like you know you’re about to throw up or anything like that or you have stomach issues ginger will cure that bad boy now and it’s been used in a lot of different ways. Especially as a seasoning I use mine. I usually throw in my smoothie or throw a little lava ginger in my smoothie but now that I found out about dry ginger, I’ve been using dry ginger because I can hold dry ginger. You look you don’t have to clean it. Because the thing about it when you buy ginger and Tumeric you look at it and say is it clean? Yeah.

Because you know it’s out there lose ester and you get home and I’d be looking at it going now how do I clean it up and everywhere? Yeah, how do I clean it? Because you know typically you’re supposed to leave the skin on. You don’t have to take ice. I didn’t know that. In the beginning. I used to pull it off.

And the skin pulled it off was so tedious. I stopped using it. Then I found out oh no you’re supposed to leave the skin on. You just gotta soak the whole thing and vinegar. Well I just use a little salt water or I take a little vinegar and some baking soda and just soak it for a minute but here’s the other thing I found about ginger in there in the raw form and Tumeric you only clean what you use if you try to clean the whole thing before you use it. It will dry up on you. So you have to only clean a little piece so that was another thing I was like well she looked is gonna be give me some powder and call it a day to have a peach ginger smoothie.

For sure. So good. Actually shout out to Chef Aki because I got it from her but it is a delicious for the last year where you can please share cutter okay, so it’s often used to I use ginger in my stir fries I just started doing that is really good. And I love me some gingerbread cookies I decided to hate on growing up and then is a farm like animals like I love messages hope but anyway, but you can also you know make a ginger tea like he was just said you know, but it’s just good for some natural remedies. So again, that is a super spice ginger is the super spicy anti inflammatory that also helps you with call centers. You got to call Yes, thank you little ginger. Okay. All right, let’s go. Number three. Number three is cinnamon. Now, you know there’s many types of different types of sentiments. I did not know that either. Yeah, I used to think cinnamon was cinnamon. No, no, no, no because we used to buy you know, you know we Biden who has stolen Yeah, you

know that

all does not taste the same. And so cinnamon is very anti inflammatory, and it’s due to his high level of antioxidants. in it. Every type of Cinnamon has antioxidants in it. So no matter what you get, as long as it’s cinnamon, you’re going to be getting the properties that you need. Antioxidants are compounds that can neutralize harmful free radicals that are in your body and that contributes to inflammation and damage your cells and your tissues and just no point no stuff. Cinnamon I remember this is you probably don’t know anything about this but years ago. Maybe at this point. 810 years ago, there was a thing called the cinnamon challenge. Have you ever heard Oh, so young Kay, shout out to you Gen Z years millennial did it by basically you would take ginger and its powder form and a teaspoon or tablespoon and he was just eating just eat it just take the powder into dumping him out. Why? Because boredom because why would I do that but really what why I caught all the reactions that people would create because you can’t follow powdered cinnamon and cinnamon. So people started gagging.

Spicy, burning spicy chip. I can’t even put some ice. I take a little cinnamon and put it on my tooth brush because and I do that I used to I’m started burning Assad.

So I can’t I cannot imagine making a video but absolutely. But I say I just say you don’t need a lot of cinnamon in order to equities a habitat. I have a teaspoon and limitate some else cinnamon is great for people with high blood pressure. Yes diabetes. Those two things right there was a sugar Oh my god.

I mean arthritis. Yes, it’s because it’s anti inflammatory so it so again, you gotta find a way to get sentiment in your life. If you make smoothies just put a couple shakes of powder cinnamon cinnamon in there, especially if you don’t like the taste of cinnamon. You don’t need a lot like we said so just a couple shakes and it won’t overpower the smoothie. Too much more and then now you got to sell them and taste. Okay, now let me just break it down. Y’all know y’all y’all know y’all putting cinnamon on them yams. Okay.

Okay, you know cinnamon is great.

I made cinnamon on them. Yeah, um, so that’s how we was getting them.

Probably on it Daniel Brown.

Exactly. But you know, that’s what we do with cinema. But yeah, there are different types of cinema. So when you get out there and you started scoring it, you’d be surprised. I was shocked at the number of types of cinema there was do not use what’s the brand that we talked about the little cheap brands cinnamon, the dollar $1. So it’s application name.

It’s a real basic sentiment. You kind of want to step your cinnamon game because not not all cinemas are made same but they all carry kind of the same properties. But if you can get a more quality cinnamon, you can kind of get to those results faster. And if you just do like a cheaper brand of cinnamon, that’s just my two cents. Okay. Now the last one is just one that I think we all can relate to this one, but again, you got it in your kitchen. Did you know how expensive it was people don’t know what tasted what is a kilo Garlic Garlic. Yeah, girl okay. No joke. Okay, let me tell you some before we get into the nitty gritty of it. I was told that if you so let’s say you have a heart condition or you have anything heart related burn, congestive arteries, whatever now, matter of fact, he’s put that out there right now. Do not sue me. But I was told by a health guru that if you really wanted to like change your heart health, you eat garlic, hold. Oh, yeah. Roasted I’m none of that. No, somebody that does. Get off the ticket, fill it out, pop it and eat like at least five times as close to start shooting and start to clear the plaque.

It also cleared a room because people smell your comments don’t clear you Oh, it’s easy to eat. I know that for you. She will be dressed like garlic as she walked up to you before she can even get up to your clothes you can like

find out you know she would just sit down because you’re trying to figure out where’s this coming from? Because nobody was eating. But I will say this and she said it cured her heart. Let me say if you have heart disease, yeah, research it and if you decide to do it, who cares? If you smell like garlic you want to live what you want to your enemy. Well here’s the other thing about girl what works so well. It has this compound in it called hours. It has all these inflammatory properties in it and it’s high in antioxidants. So also garlic is good for oxidative stress. On the body. So I think oxidative stress is one of the reasons that a lot of people have the issues that they have. People don’t realize how stress and oxidative stress works on your blood vessels in case you want to know what oxidative stress is. So you want to reduce the oxidative stress in your body and garlic is really really good for that. Yeah. So what we’re gonna do today oh, sorry, sorry. Yeah. And if you’re cooking with garlic, don’t overcook your garlic. Yes, yes, yes. Because what you do is you suck at all.

And actually you’re starting to become a becomes rancid in the pan. If you overcook it, there is art to cooking garlic. So a lot of times and I see we do this a lot. So you know, I know I went to culinary school. So I know a couple of things. A lot of times people will put garlic straight into the pan with some oil and then they put everything else in and then the garlic has burned. You needed to do with the if you’re going to be stopped sweating out onions and all that put in there first and put garlic. You only need to sweat garlic for maybe a minute or two at the very most Josephina try to encounter roasting type of situation and then put all your other ingredients or put garlic and last and let that do what it does. You don’t necessarily need to be burning your garlic to get the flavor.

Offering you garlic. Okay. All right. Sounds good. Now, you know I told you I think I’ve said this on all the episodes I take my garlic now and I put it in my new to my Vitamix and I thought cut it up real fine. Put it into my barley, the garlic, listen to me very carefully. I cut my garlic, add just a little bit of water to it. You know so as I’m putting in blending it, then I take it and I put it in a small ice cube tray and I freeze it but anytime I want to cook and use garlic or you’re making a estivo I’m making a garlic pate or whatever you want to call it get to freezing it in my little ice cube thing and then all I do is just pop out when I want to use garlic and my soups and stuff like that. I just pop out a couple of them. Can I make a suggestion? Yeah, instead of water you should do oil because water waters down. I’m trying to cut back on all

you should put other herbs if you go and do all that. Marry wow now you get families saying I get fancy with it now. So but anyway so that’s how I use garlic because I want to put I use garlic for every Apple garlic and everything just so y’all know I love Oh and do you have a preference on buy fresh garlic versus container garlic has already cut five. So here so here’s my take on garlic. You know there are going thieves out there. You know garlic be Yeah, I’d say yes, they’re on I mean in other words, they smuggle garlic into just like they do and some of the garlic that’s on the shelf is not real garlic I swear. Let me tell you how you can tell. Smell it. If you cannot smell that garlic you gotta fake garlic. Wait a minute, so there’s fake garlic, okay, just like olive oil is fake. Yeah.

So if you if you cannot smell that garlic is not real Garwin is it? Oh no some that they grew from a hybrid? I didn’t know absolutely. And so what I do now even with my spices so when I buy a garlic spices I hope well you guys doing studying of his diet get my calls are no no no no no I got mine for Thrive Market Thrive my Thrive Market. I’ll send it to you in a pouch at time you open up pouch a girl a woman just takes over because you know it’s real girl. Yeah, so that’s what I’m saying you know if you open it up and you don’t smell no girl yeah, I got I got today yours Oh.

So today I don’t think we’re gonna wrap this up. We’re giving you two ways to use all four spices okay to recipe to recipe. We got a spiced lentil soup recipe that we will have on our website that you’ll be able to download and it uses all four of the spices that we just talked about, along with some lentils and you’re gonna get some vegetable broth and crush up some tomatoes.

You’re gonna put the garlic and the ginger and tumeric and it’s like, okay, you also have a anti inflammatory spice smoothie. Yeah. Yeah, it’s not a sexy name, but it tastes good and it gets the job done. Yeah. And includes pineapples and almond milk or any kind of non dairy milk and a banana. You just have some ginger Tumeric cinnamon and if you want to get fancy with it, put it put it put a call with garlic and man now listen, if you’re like me like I don’t know why bad because I’m just kind of like out. If you don’t go over with the garlic and you add honey or sweetener. You won’t really taste the garlic and then and then eventually you’ll be like, Okay, I want the properties and you’ll just put the garlic in and so if you have to work your way into putting garlic in your smoothie because I understand that. That’s okay. It’s fine. You’re still getting all your other ingredients, you know all your other spices, but at some point it’s going to pull a novel garlic in and see what happens. So let me tell you a quick story. My husband asked me for smoothing. So you want smoothing? I know he knew was smoothies or you see me make one every day as his flavor but anyway, he wanted a smoothie. So I said let me test this smoothie recipe out. So I use this one on him just yesterday actually. And I put there and with the garlic. He drank that thing so fast. I don’t even remember I said did you? I mean when I’m mixing I know he was pulling over and you’re sick and I was like he said it was good that he had strawberries to use. So you can play around with fruit, but he drank the thing so fast. I don’t even think he realized I think he thought he was drinking.

It’s just like a child. You gotta have the medicine. Yeah, and

that smoothie is packed with anti inflammatory spices. It’s gonna give you five or it’s gonna give you a beat and it makes a great nutritious breakfast this is your breakfast this morning reached for the smoothie instead of normal thing you guys you know bacon, pancakes and all that stuff. Yeah, you all stuff is giving you inflammation. It’s just trial based anti inflammatory smoothie. Again, we will have it on our website and you will be in the show notes in the show notes. Well, we I think in the show notes gonna take you to the website, but anyway, you’ll be able to download this and try it. Let us know how you like it.

Okay, well that wraps up today’s episode please make sure to follow us everywhere. Brown women wellness on Instagram, Facebook, we have a new community that we are working on. Very soon we’ll be releasing it to the public. It’s been a labor of love has been taking us a little while. But we want to make sure that the community is beneficial to all that who wants to join and so we want to give you a little bit more of a safer space than Facebook groups where we can kind of be ourselves or have our offerings there and just have fun. You know, literally a community full of women who are looking to do better about their health and their wellness. So follow us from wellness everywhere. You can find us, email us if you have a question if you want to talk about something in particular info at Brown me wellness COMM And we will see you in two weeks. Bye.

Thank you for listening to live information free sponsored by brown women wellness. If you want to know more about us and our podcast check us out over on our website at Brown women wellness.com or living inflammation free.com Join our Facebook group at living inflammation free and coming soon our brown the wellness community group and remember we are not doctors and any information shared by us is not medical advice. Please always call doctors advice and don’t forget to rate and review our podcast and let us know what you loved about this week’s episode. And please subscribe to wherever you listen to your favorite podcast. Don’t forget to find us across all social platforms at Brown wellness or and living green. As always show notes with links to what we talked about today and this week’s episode will be in the description box top

Transcribed by https://otter.ai

Inflammatory Fat: The Hidden Culprit Behind Stubborn Weight Gain and How to Get Rid of It

This week’s episode tackles a topic that affects many communities, particularly those in the Black community – inflammatory fat. Could this be the reason behind the higher rates of obesity and related health problems in Black communities compared to others?

We explore what inflammatory fat is and how it is Behind Stubborn Weight Gain. We discuss the root causes of inflammatory fat, including genetics, lifestyle factors, and environmental factors. But don’t worry, we don’t just leave you with the problem. We provide practical solutions to reduce inflammatory fat. Join us as we discuss how understanding and addressing inflammatory fat can lead to a healthier and happier lifestyle.

Do you have questions about your wellness routine and boundaries?

We are all about community and wellness in this episode so let’s jump right into it.

[4:00] Root cause of viscera fat

[6:11] Genetics can determine where your fat is stored.

[8:07] How to get rid of inflammatory fat?

[10:24] How to get physical activity in.

[11:17] Sleep: How magnesium can help you get more sleep

[13:43] Managing stress and alcohol.

[16:31] How to incorporate sleep into your life?

[21:18] Cortisol levels and magnesium


+ Download the living inflammation-free food and pantry Guide https://bit.ly/Pantryguide

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Thank you for listening. We hope this podcast has been informative & an inspiring resource to create the kind of life you want with your health in mind.

To help get this podcast in front of more women like you, please consider leaving us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts here! The 10 seconds you take doing this means the WORLD to us and the women who this show will help.

Have you ever tried to lose weight and no matter what you do it just will not come off? Could it be inflammatory fat? Today, we will discuss what inflammatory fat is and how you can get rid of it. Hey brown beauties Welcome to live in inflammation free with me Andretta Robison, your functional nutrition health coach, and I’m Aaqila Harvey, we are Your mother daughter hosts bringing two different generations together bi weekly to give you easy actionable steps to help rid your body of chronic inflammation.
Welcome to live in inflammation free today, we have a hot topic, one that will probably resonate with many of you, especially as you age. I think we all can relate to that. But to remember the time yeah, that’s talking remember the time Michael Jackson’s remember the time you know what I remember the time. Okay, when you could eat anything and you never had to worry about gaining weight? I remember. I mean, usually that’s in your 20s
maybe sometimes your 30s Yeah, but I remember it very well. In fact, let me tell you a backstory that just I don’t know why this sticks with me. Aaqila but I was 21 years old.
And I was walking around you know, we used to have all these family reunions down in Florida. I was strutting my stuff my little like a little peacock camouflage shorts on walking across and not a peacock. Oh Shall I was reading my stuff in front of all my cousins and my aunt. And one of them looked at me and said forget this. She said you fine now but when they you gonna find out that is far harder to stay fine as you age not as hate.
You know that’s this is called that. No, that was Kayla’s hate that was
she said and she said you find now girl but you just usually as well I can hear that our family behaved on us like isn’t saying,
Well, today we’re gonna talk about inflammatory fat, which could be the reason you know, it’s easy, you need to get to the root cause of why it’s difficult to lose the weight that you want to lose. You know, I know people that go to the gym too, and sometimes twice a day in an effort to try to lose weight, and it works short term. But if you want something long term, you got to get rid of the inflammatory fat. So when we come back, we’re going to talk about and we’re going to break it down a little bit for you.

Brown women wellness mission is to empower brown women and their families through education and products to help improve their family health and wellness through a lifestyle of easy and actionable steps. I’m Andretta Robinson functional Nutrition Wellness Coach. In 2008, I was diagnosed with an early stage of cancer. My doctor wanted to remove my womb as a cure. But I was determined there had to be another way. After lots of research I found a curable alternative, forcing my doctor to treat it without any surgery. And in 2018 I was visiting my aunt in Atlanta after having lost my mother to heart disease, and saw her health was in distress with high blood pressure and all things related. A visit to the health food store to formulate herbal teas which is now called brown women wellness, anti inflammation tea and a diet and lifestyle change turned my aunt’s health around. I knew I had found my calling. We bring you healthy lifestyle information through our brown and wellness website, our brown and wellness Facebook group, emails, Instagram and other social media websites and our wEll honestly podcast find us you’ll be glad you did. It’s no secret that the higher rates of obesity and related health problems in the black communities are higher than any others. Could inflammatory fat be the reason? What is inflammatory fat? Do you know what that is? Aaqila stubborn fat.
You’re right. And honestly, you know how you could tell if you’ve got inflammatory fat is of around the stomach at the tummy. You know, if you are carrying most people carry the excess weight right around their waistline. And that is actually inflammatory fat. And they call it visceral fat, which is a fat that accumulates around your abdomen. And it goes around your organs, your liver, your pancreas and your intestines. And this type of fat is metabolically active and can release hormones and other chemicals that contribute to inflammation. And we’re all about inflammation here. So that’s why we want to talk about this. So that explains why so many of us have protruding stomachs. I used to always say stuff like, Man, I got two stomachs. I used to always say that I go, Oh, I see two stomachs here. And but you know, and you see it all the time, a lot of times what men to, we used to tease and when we say carry a lot of visceral fat, yeah, we used to say some men we sell that man looks like he’s six months pregnant, or we say four months pregnant. That was a joke that we had, you know, for men. So but today, we want to talk about the root cause. Why is that?

So the root cause of inflammatory fat is not really understood, but is believed to be
connected to genetics, your lifestyle and environmental factors, which explains, you know, when you start talking genetics, and lifestyles, you know, our community lifestyles and our genetics are totally different from everybody else. And so one of the things lifestyle factors is if you got a diet in high processed food, which has all the added sugar, low physical activity, and chronic stress, all of those contribute to inflammatory fat. So in your genetics, your genetics can determine where your fat is stored in the body. It’s funny you said that
the fat that’s around your waistline kind of disturbing the fat area where the inflammation is. But I noticed that like for me, genetically speaking, my what I’m what I can’t lose weight, my stubborn inflammatory fat is typically like in my upper body, so like around my back, and my shoulders and my arms and the worst place you want any kind of fat to go first. That’s where my genetic kind of stubborn, inflammatory fat is located. I never really had like a pooch, per se, unless I was just like, just completely out of weight, or overweight all over. But yeah, it were it stored as your genetic makeup. And for me, I think mine started showing I love forget my heaviest I was in my 40s, my early 40s. And I go back and look at some of those pictures of me and I look like a whale. Oh, it was like, Oh, my goodness, I remember we used to carry a clothing line called Mina. And we used to wear these big flowing outfits. Man, we was hiding all that inflammatory fats.
And but you know what I mean, the reality is you don’t like anytime you have stubborn inflammatory fat, typically, you’re not liking what you’re seeing. So the natural thing to do is to cover it up or dress in a manner in which, you know, is flattering, although now, you know, people let it all hang out. And it doesn’t matter. The world has changed. But
you sometimes I’ve noticed that if you get if you if you buy clothes that are like in bigger sizes, sometimes you don’t even realize like I’m getting bigger and bigger and bigger, just because you’re accommodating the size that you are at. And if you don’t like it, you’re not doing anything to rectify it. Yeah. And I know, it’s easier said than done to get rid of the inflammatory fat, you know, but one of the reasons that we started this podcast and we started Brown, I’m a wellness and very soon we’re gonna start our community is because we want to give you easy, actionable lifestyle ways to do things. Not we’re not talking about eating rabbit food. And we’re not talking about being in the gym twice or three times a day. You know, we want to give you some easy actionable steps that you can do. And sometimes you have to take baby steps. Sometimes you just take one little thing, but one of the things we want you to do, and you’re going to hear this and you hear the same thing we say, and you hear it all the time, you just got to change the way you eat. Excuse me, you need to incorporate a healthier, healthier diet, incorporating more in anti inflammatory foods into your diet, such as fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, all those things can help help reduce inflammation. And the biggest one that we’re all and the biggest, biggest biggest violator of them all is processed food, because we have become a nation of eating out. You know, we’re fast moving nation now we move quick. We can’t we don’t have time to cook. We don’t have we want to go and I’m gonna tell you something. I was listening to some stats the other day. Did you know that in the African American communities that we get twice the amount of processed food chains than anywhere else?
I mean, they are actually they target the African American community with processed food. We’re also we get out so you know sugar. We’re going to always get a lot of sugar and saturated fats.
Also, you got to get rid of some of that out your diet to help reduce the inflammation.

And then the other thing is exercise man trying to get that exercise in. See, again, we’re fast moving, we’re fast moving nation right now, we don’t have time to do this, that and the other, let alone exercise. But you know, it doesn’t necessarily mean you got to go to the gym. I mean, so many ways to get physical activity in. I mean, if you could just jump rope outside view, whatever it is you’d like to do, I just started doing pickleball.
I know, right, I don’t even know what that is. Pickleball is a combination of it looks like tennis, and badminton.
So it’s in the middle of actually tennis and playing badminton. And honestly, I’d be honest with us, the older people that you know, my baby boomers are playing pickleball. So, I mean, oh, hey, we’d be having fun. I’m sure y’all do, they do. I mean, you know, chasing that ball. But that’s what my point is, that’s a form of exercise. So whatever you need to do, if it’s walking, going for a bike, bike riding, swimming, you know, just find some type of way to release physical exercise during the day, because what if you don’t use an Old adage, if you don’t use it, you’re gonna lose it.

The third thing you could do to get rid of the inflammatory feet, fat, I’m sorry, is getting enough sleep. And this is, this is another one that we take for granted. You know, I mean, I’m talking about real sleep, I’m not talking about that kind of sleep where you’re not really sleep. And I noticed that the older that we get, the harder it is to sleep. And let me just tell you what we found out again, you know, being a certified health coach, and, and working with a lot of functional medicine, doctors, what and a lot of the stats, trust me, we try to make sure that everything we tell you is evidence based, one of the reasons people are having problems falling asleep is because there’s a lack of magnesium in the diet, magnesium, magnesium, I had no idea that magnesium was so low in 80% of people they have tested have below magnesium. So if you have to take that supplement, you should take it, there are a lot of you need to go this means magnesium will definitely help you establish a regular sleep schedule, and it will support your healthy sleep patterns. So you know, because all these other sleeping aids that are out here are band aids, you really need to find something that’s going to help you get a restful, so I started taking a magnesium. And I’ll put a link in the show notes to the one that I take it actually contains, there are three types of magnesium and the actual has all three in there. So now can I just say, as a person who has taken magnesium before? And maybe I, you know, I have a tendency to overdo things, sometimes. I’m wrong. Ah, I noticed that magnesium, if it’s taken too much, can be a laxative, and I’m gonna just leave Oh, well, yeah, I’m gonna leave it there. Please take the recommended just be sure to watch it as well, there are three kinds of magnesium is too. So you have to make sure you’re taking the right one there.
So and we’ll come back later and talk about magnesium. But if you just do a little research, you’ll see that there are several types. That’s why I take the one that I take because it has all three of those. I didn’t know that there were three types. I was always taking one particular one, that’s probably one that probably was my problem. And anything that you take too much of it’s not good for you. Okay.

And then there’s a fourth way to get rid of this inflammatory fat. And you guys probably guessed it is probably real simple. It’s another one, this is easier said than done. It’s managing your stress, stress, chronic stress can can contribute to inflammation and weight gain. What is chronic stress? Chronic stress is over a long period of time or a long period of time constantly stressing, never finding time to relax, breathe and relax and let things out. You know, and you gotta You can’t just stress and figure it’s gonna go away on its own. You got to do stuff. Yes. You know, one of my ways of handling stress is meditation. Same and also I also do a lot of deep breathing that same way. Okay. And then you know, you could do things like yoga and all those things to help overall your stress.

And then of course now we got one more thing if you’re smoking cigarettes. Here’s another fact that I just found out that I did not know but I’m not surprised that 80% of the advertisement for cigarettes is aimed at the black community. Because we’re still one of the biggest people still smoke cigarettes. People still smoke cigarettes. You’d be surprised. And in they were smoking I don’t even know how much site it’s like $80 a pack. Price
Have 100 other people who smoke smoke, you know? So it’s it’s a hard habit to kiss a very well it’s very addictive. Yes. All right, yeah. Okay.

And then the other one is excessive alcohol consumption. And notice I use the word excessive. You know, I mean, you know, you know having a glass of wine every now and then or drink out with your friends. That’s different. But you know, but if you got to be one of those people that and I remember when I first discovered drinking wine man, I never knew a whole bottle of wine because everybody when I say everybody has that realization at some point when you first started drinking wine, you next thing you know, especially if you drink it at home, next thing you know, you’re drunk, you’re drunk, you’re drunk, the whole bottle ease. And it’s almost scarily easy. How ridiculous that is sit there you could be you know, relaxing, watching television eating. Next thing, you know, they lay on the couch. And you didn’t even realize that you got late, and you knew that we were friends. There’s a solo dolo enjoying a little show? Yeah. And you wore bottles out? Yeah, those were the days and so that contributes to inflammation. Okay, so again, you know, you got to try to quit smoking and limiting your alcohol consumption will help reduce inflammation and promote weight loss.

Let me just say that I I find having a routine and all of this is key. So like, you know, it’s easy for us to say, these are the five things you need to do. Right? And then you just, hey, I’m gonna do it, right. But then most time, that’s not how life works. Right? Right. So come up with whatever your life looks like that plan to incorporate all of these things into your life. I’ll give you a prime example. So I decided last week that I was gonna set give myself a bedtime. Okay, and because I don’t have a bedtime, I am a night owl, Andretta, can attest that I will call her at like 10 o’clock. And I’m talking about work when she’s already been tried to shut down and now yeah, no, I didn’t get started a little early. Right. And but because of that my sleep patterns are terrible. I won’t go to sleep until
at worse 3:30 4 o’clock in the morning, and then I’m no good and woke up and I’m no good throughout the day, but I’m getting woke up at 8:30 Because you know, that’s when the work that’s been normal, right? Working, right. So it’s, it’s starting to become that’s something that I used to be able to handle when I was in my 20s and early 30s. Now that I’m in my middle 30s I am noticing the effect of the lack of sleep is having on my life. So I say okay, something has to be done. Even taking like CBD and out all the sleep aids. It’s not working, I’ll fall asleep, but I’ll wake back up. And sometimes I don’t even fall asleep because it’s just not working anymore, right. So I said to myself, something’s gotta get now first of all, I am going to get more magnesium. But incorporating things like a structured wine down to bedtime routine will help cut at least half of the stress that you have on your body out tell yourself set an alarm, I set an alarm. I started winding down at 10:30 I need to be realistic. Which means why now for me tea instead of having wine.
Now we’re going back into another part of the five things instead of having wine I’ll have my tea and then I will take myself to the bedroom. So sometimes normally I just fall asleep on the couch working or looking at TV or whatever. Take it into the bedroom with my tea. I even made my sleep aid magnesium whatever. And then at 11:30 No I’m sorry that 11:30 at 11 I’m done scrolling. So we talking social media social media. Social media. Tik tok I don’t know about anybody else tick tock is amazing. I’m avoiding tik tok was sucked in let me say and you will see. You can learn you can discover you can get mad you can get Happy. Sad, but it’s short short form content that just sucks you in and you go down rabbit holes. I enjoy Tik Tok you can look it actually tick tock is not a bad thing. It’s all in what you what you curate and what you make. However, tik tok Can you can look up and you can be in a three hour binge on just all types of different tik tok it has happened to me many times that I care to admit so then you started to lose track of time. So for me I’m done at 11 o’clock we’re scrolling everything Instagram Tik Tok whatever and then I’ll put on my ambient music in the background. So I’ll put on YouTube and I put on my you know frequency music or deep sleep music you know it’s all you gotta do is put in the search 1000 of those come up and then if if that’s not working because I’m not the type that can just like sit there and go to sleep like I have to fall asleep. So then then it’s people reading a book or putting on a boring show maybe or then put on the ambient music and I wait awaited I have a weighted pillow, putting a pillow over my face. I don’t know why but just knocks me out. I say all this to say a routine can help y’all incorporate all these things and next thing you know you’re getting up and going to the gym earlier or whenever you can and then you’re helping that stubborn fat just become less and less and less through routine so I can’t stress that enough well that’s a good point okay law and routine is definitely something you want to check out. There are so many things you could do um you know my favorite thing and I told Aaqila the other day is I wear a sleep mask on my eyes because it blocks out all lights I found I’m about to get out and then I found another little trick I put castor oil on my around my eyelid I don’t have lashes on right now so I can’t do that my lashes. Oh yeah, but I put Castol around and I put that I put sleep mask on top of it and I sleep like so I don’t get you know.
You don’t put it close. Yeah, right. Oh my lashes. You know cast all caps your lashes grow. Yeah, but like, I never had that problem. So anyway, these are just some suggestions, some ideas to help you get rid of I mean, some suggestions and ideas to help you, you know, with this inflammatory fat. Hopefully if you guys come up with something else, or if you tell us tell us let us know what some of the things what do you do? Yeah, um, real quick before we go. I’ve tik tok tik tok will teach you something. A lot of women are having this very issue. And a lot of women are going to doctors and getting like bloodwork ups to see where their cortisol levels are. Okay. And every single one, they’re high. There’s they’re extremely high and there was one particular girl she disappeared for a while she came back she looked lighter, pounds wise, she looked more energetic. She didn’t look so like how we all look bloated and frustrated. And she found out that her cortisol levels were extremely high. So she put magnesium and some other things she said to her routine, and it helped so if all else fails, if you feel like you’re stressed, but you don’t know like, oh, I don’t know what to do. Go get blood workup and see where your cortisol levels is nothing like seeing a number right in front of you. That puts all of this that we talked about into gear sure never never fails.

All right, well that’s it for today’s episode. We hope that you enjoyed it and remember to we’re not doctors so we want you guys to don’t sue us okay? All right. Want you to make sure that you know we are health coaches but want you to fall always follow your doctor’s advice. And as usual, we want you guys please please please download us and please please please like us and make some comments out there you guys we want to know you’re out there you guys we got a Do you notice this episode 99 number 92 I can’t believe we’re on episode 92 My goal my dream was to get to 100 there were all I will feel accomplished. Well, I feel accomplished that 92 If you want I don’t 100 was my goal. So I’m dead set. So anyway, thank you guys again. And we’ll see you in a couple of weeks. Remember, we we do these every other week and we’ve downloaded new episodes. See you then bye.

Thank you for listening to living inflammation free sponsored by brown women wellness. If you want to know more about us and our podcast check us out over on our website at Brown women wellness.com or living inflammation free.com Join our Facebook group at living inflammation free and coming soon our brown the wellness community group. And remember we are not doctors and any information shared by us is not medical advice. Please always follow your doctor’s advice and don’t forget to rate and review our podcast and let us know what you loved about this week’s episode. And please subscribe to wherever you listen to your favorite podcast. Don’t forget to find us across all social platforms at Brown women wellness or at living inflammation free. As always show notes with links to what we talked about today in this week’s episode will be in the description box. Talk soon, babes.

Sodium and Inflammation: Why we should salt last and not first!

It’s no secret we consume too much salt which can lead to hypertension and so many other diseases. Today we are going to talk about sodium, why too much is bad for you, and how to reduce your intake without losing the taste of your food.  

We will also share Herbs and Spices for a more flavorful cooking.  

Do you have questions about your wellness routine and boundaries?

We are all about community and wellness in this episode so let’s jump right into it.

[05:04] Andretta High Blood Pressure Story

[06:30] Cause of High Blood Pressure in Younger People

[08:40] Sources of Salt In Our Food Supply & What To Do About It

[09:51] Some Healthy Salt to Use

[11:06] Spices and Herbs First, Salt Last

[11:38] Herbs and Spices to Use for more Flavorful Cooking

[17:36] Storing Your Spices and Herbs


+ Download the Free Easy Ground Turkey Stir Fry Recipe


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+ Living Inflammation Free Food & Pantry Guide


Thank you for listening. We hope this podcast has been informative & an inspiring resource to create the kind of life you want with your health in mind.

To help get this podcast in front of more women like you, please consider leaving us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts here! The 10 seconds you take doing this means the WORLD to us and the women who this show will help.

5 Kitchen Gadgets to Make Your Life Easier

In this week’s episode, we are going to share kitchen gadgets to help you cook inflammation-free food. These gadgets will make your life easier and cooking faster. Quality kitchen gadgets may be expensive, but they give a lot of return on investment on your health.
Do you have questions about your wellness routine and boundaries?

In this episode, we are all about community and wellness, so let’s jump right into it.

[04:10] The importance of quality cookware
[05:10] Non-Stick cookware and its pros and cons
[13:19] Difference between a Blender and Food Processors
[14:19] The benefits of Food Processors
[16:17] Cut down cooking time with Instant Pot
[18:35] Recipes to cook in an Instant Pot
[21:41] Are wooden utensils better than metal?

Link to Caraway cookware: https://www.carawayhome.com/
Link to Always Pan: https://fromourplace.com/

+ Download the living inflammation-free food and pantry Guide https://bit.ly/Pantryguide

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+ Living Inflammation Free Food & Pantry Guide


Thank you for listening. We hope this podcast has been informative & an inspiring resource to create the kind of life you want with your health in mind.

To help get this podcast in front of more women like you, please consider leaving us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts here! The 10 seconds you take doing this means the WORLD to us and the women who this show will help.

The Smoothie Solution: Calming Inflammation with Homemade Recipes

Are you looking for a delicious and healthy way to start your day? Then look no further than our inflammation-free smoothie! Today in the Living Inflammation Free Podcast, we will share with you the basics of creating the perfect smoothie to calm inflammation in your body. Plus, we will talk about whether store-bought smoothies are worth the hype.


We will also share the best blender for your smoothie that keeps the flavor and lasts longer- Aaqila has been using hers for five years! 

Do you have questions about your wellness routine and boundaries?

In this episode, we are all about community and wellness, so let’s jump right into it.

00:08 Introduction to today’s episode.

02:47 What is living inflammation-free?

04:16 The perfect smoothie blender: Vitamix vs. other Blenders.

06:52 Are store-bought smoothies worth the hype?

13:45 Why Wild blueberries belong in your smoothie

16:24 How to make a smoothie creamy.


+ Download the living inflammation-free food and pantry Guide https://bit.ly/Pantryguide

+ Read the blog to learn more about the Lemon Vinaigrette Recipe

+ @inflammationfree on Instagram

+ Join the Facebook Community

+ Living Inflammation Free Food & Pantry Guide


Thank you for listening. We hope this podcast has been informative & an inspiring resource to create the kind of life you want with your health in mind.

To help get this podcast in front of more women like you, please consider leaving us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts here! The 10 seconds you take doing, this means the WORLD to us and the women who this show will help.

Hey, brown beauties Welcome to livin inflammation free with me Andretta Robinson, your functional nutrition health coach and I’m Aaqila Harvey. We are your mother-daughter hosts bringing two different generations together bi-weekly to give you easily actionable steps to help rid your body of chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation is the root cause of many health issues in our community and is running rampard. Living inflammation

free is about creating the future life you want to have to live happy, healthy, and full of energy. It’s about releasing fear so you will never have to worry about doctor’s visits. We teach you how to live with choosing food choices without compromising the taste. We provide you with science-based information to help eliminate chronic inflammation through nutrition and lifestyle

once we know what choices we have, we can do better because we know the struggle to stay healthy is real. We invite you to come as you are but leave inspired to become your best healthy cells. So

let’s get started.

Hey brown beauties. We’re back.

We are back in this thing back in

this thing so you got anything new to report to the people out there Aaqila about your anything happened

I’m trying to figure out where are you trying to go with that?

I was gonna say You know what, if anything happened to you they think you want to share with the audience over the last two weeks, last time?

Not really no. Let me tell you life has just been doing what it needs to do. And I have no complaints. Just living the dream

as they say. You? I guess the same but still trying to adapt to you know, getting rid of inflammation. So today, we’re gonna talk about the perfect smoothie. We’re going to talk about how to combat inflammation in your body through a smoothie. In other words, you’re going to drink your vegetables. That’s pretty much where we’re going with this instead of this. A lot of people have so many problems getting the veggies in. We’re going to talk about smoothies from every direction we even gonna talk about storebought smoothies, I know you know they are out there so these are no you know they’re out there. And will they give you what you need, you know, because we know smoothies is a perfect way to start your today. Especially when you’re in a rush or in a hurry like most people are. So we’re going to give you the basics of making a great smoothie with the best equipment to use and tips on how to keep your ingredients ready. So all you have to do is just drop them in your blender and go. So stay with us. We’ll be right back.

What is living inflammation Free to live inflammation free means to remove toxic foods, toxic people and toxic environments from your life and replace it with nutrient-dense foods. People who can uplift you and environment you can thrive. At Brown women wellness Our vision is simple it is to change the way people eat one bite at a time. Healthy food does not mean eating unsavory food. With spices and herbs, sauces and savory flavors. Healthy food can be tasty, and we aim to show you how to make it easy recipes because we know what your busy schedule can be. We’ll show you how to navigate out to bleed ingredients and milk wrap if that’s your thing, because we know the struggle is real to cook every day you can visit us@brownwomenwellness.com For tips on how to live inflammation free where you also will find the recipe and you can join our brown wellness Facebook group and coming soon the brown wellness community you can email us at info at Brown wellness.com with any questions or suggestions on things you would like to hear on our show don’t forget to like and subscribe to us on Apple and now you can find us on YouTube.

Alright, so we’re back. And so this is all about creating the perfect smoothie. And let’s start with the basics. So I think the most obvious thing that you will need more than anything is the actual blender to create the smoothie.

Now we’ve talked about blenders before and that’s why probably seems so familiar. And and now a lot of choices out there for people to purchase. You know dollars depends on your budget. You know I’ve had probably every type of blender you can have and then one day I discovered Vitamix. I was when I discovered Vitamix I thought I had died and went to heaven. First of all that was a sticker price shock. I achieved 85 and $55 for blenders. You know I had my NutriBullet and all that stuff. And every time what was happening to me is the blenders will work for about maybe a few months or so and then you know they get go away and it just it plus they stopped giving you the consistency that you wanted that real smooth consistency and then dangling. It comes to Vitamix. Let me tell you some Vitamix. I did I know Keela Did you notice that you know that people leave Vitamix is in the wheels. They pass them down from generation to reaction but people actually put their vital mixes and leave them for the next generation. That’s how long a Vitamix can last.

I mean I’ve had my for five years now I think yeah, going on somewhere nearby.

I works at like I did when I first bought it. I mean they are timeless. Now what I did discover about them. You know the base, the cup that you put your ingredients in. I didn’t know they had a stainless steel version.

They have all types of different versions. They have stuff for if you want to make breads and those and postures they actually have a base for that they have a stainless steel they have to plan for that I even have a one that has glass and plastic

combined. I haven’t seen that and I discovered the stainless steel one it was just washing go all I had to do that stainless steel one is just like stainless steel everything else you just rest it out and just keep moving. You know you got to sit there with your hand and struggle and try to clean so much like the plastic one. So I mean I thought I had discovered go you know, but it’s a high speed blender, and it’s an investment, but it’s an investment that gives you a lot of return. In fact, we’re going to talk a little bit more about the Vitamix in another episode where we talk about I spend a lot of time on that. So so when you when your whole food I call my smoothies, Whole Foods smoothies, now you know, a lot you know, okay, they got smoothie shops. And they got you know, you can almost literally go places now and get a smoothie. But what I have noticed is that they’re giving you smoothies for sure. Okay, and so the sugar shot I mean, we’re trying to eliminate sugar is a inflammatory, so natural sugar is not okay, natural sugar meaning your fruits. Okay, that’s okay. But what we want to do is have a real healthy balance in your smoothie a proteins and fats and complex carbohydrates. You want to you want to create a nutritional trifecta. Okay. That is the key to fill in full because you also want to feel full after you have your smoothie because a smoothie can take you through. It could be your breakfast, it could be your lunch, you can take up at least four hours. What about up late can I take you through four hours if you take any longer than some? Yes, it depends on the ingredients that you put in there. Again, if you put things in, it’s gonna give you a sugar rush. You’re gonna get hungry fast, because that’s what we know. Sugar is a craving and your body start craving for more. So so let’s talk about how to make a smoothie. What goes in it first. So there’s a balance in here. So you gotta need your liquid. That’s how you got to start. Oh, you know what, I

take that back.

I used to start with my liquids. Let me tell you why I stopped starting with my liquid because as a two cups of liquid and have too much smoothie.

I absolutely started with it with I just

changed this. Let me tell you my ingredient called the opposite now. Now I put in all of my other ingredients and add my liquid last well because it comes off those ingredients, just enough of me to make a single serving because single serving

well. I used to run into that issue but then I just put in like a little bit of liquid not a little bit but a moderate amount. Then I put everything else in I could keep liquid on the side because once the Vitamix was that’s what I use is going it’ll stop at a certain point. If there’s not enough liquid out. I’d like to add the liquid to the top then it keeps it going.

So okay, so see I use it a lot. That’s because it goes hand in love.

Take that off and just put a liquid in our going and then if you stopped for whatever reason, because it’s too big. It’ll start to thin it out and it keeps going because if I do it the other way around, it actually hurts your blades. If you don’t put the liquid first.

I haven’t had that experience but I understand where you’re coming from but typically you do start with one to two cups of liquid. Now the liquid can be what a seed milk of your choice. It could be a nut milk of your choice,

or water or

I use apple juice. And he’s alive but

I’m just a little I’d rather put the outer apple juice. I’d rather put the apple and then use the apple juice but I use now recently Okay, so you also got coconut milk you got almond milk, coconut water, oat milk, rice milk, you know all these different just don’t put any dairy in there. Don’t start with no whole milk please. Okay. Recently I’ve got a trick and it’s saving me so much money. I now blend one cup of oatmeal. Oatmeal that you make all meals with two cups of water and the vitamins because the Vitamix, blends it up so and turns it into I’m making my own log and I’ve saved myself so much money. Now of course I have to shake it up every time I eat doesn’t have any additives in it. Because what’s happening here is the ones who are buying in the stores have additives that’s why they’re able to stay in consistency that they’re in when you use them. So just it’s just a little side note is better. Again, we try and stay anti inflammatory here. So we read our ingredients and please read your ingredients on your nut milks and you see milk and your coconut water. A lot of them have added sugar added oils and that you don’t need because those are all inflammatory, but those is that’s where you start with your liquid. Okay, next is your greens. Yes, you’re gonna put greens in your smoothie. Yes, I know. I know. You and I do but that’s not what a lot of people normally do. That’s nice. It’s not normal. So we can’t think of it as normal. But let me just say this. You’ve heard us talk all the time about getting greens in every day because greens are one of the keys to anti inflammatory. I mean, various. What are some of the greens that you could use? And let me give you some heads to about grazing. You’ve heard me talk about this too. You got kale. You got the greens from the beets? Yes, yes, you can use those leaves. You don’t have to throw away those leaves. It’s all those beats when you Bobby It’s you got swiss chard, you got spinach and of course you got romaine lettuce. My favorite go to is kale and beet greens, because especially the greens on the beat, because when I had that episode of high blood pressure, the B grades were working to lower my blood pressure. So if you got blood pressure issues, being grateful dead, smelly, definitely take care of help take care of that. Now, you all know I like everything in my smoothie to be frozen. I like frozen things because I want to I want to cold and I’ll use any ice. So one of the keys I thought about this before too, is to buy your greens, washed them and store them in a Ziploc bag and put them in your freezer, put them in your freezer, and then when you’re ready to use it. You take your hand and just smash that bag so you just smash those greens because they’re frozen then you smash them into a lot of little pieces. And you’re gonna take a handful or a couple and throw it into your smoothie. I’m gonna do a video on this one day and show you what I mean. I walk around with a wellness people posted in the Facebook group. Her Ziploc bag full of kale. Everybody thought it was weed and I want you to know she had more we had more responses on that. How to make a flu fit. Everybody was making responses about hey girl when you get that we was and we need to show him it was a kale. Okay, so, so that’s one thing. So you want to get in one, two cups of greens. I put two cups in mind and then you got to choose fruit Now I’ll be honest with you, you can put two cups of fruit you can mix and match the fruits but I’m gonna give you another little hit. Get you some grapes. Clean your grapes red grapes by the way not green because the redder they are the more anti inflammatory they are. Get you some grapes cleaner. Freeze those because what do they do? They can serve as your your ice. So you got to take the grapes, put them in a Ziploc bag and just get a handful of grapes and throw it into your smoothie along with your strawberries. Your wild blueberry oh by the way, wow. Blueberries you guys. I had no idea that wild blueberries did all the things that they do. Wild blueberries has more antioxidants in the more nutrients than any of the berries. So not just those regular blueberries now because you see those at a store. I’m talking Wow. You had to really look for those. There’s a real tiny

frozen in the frozen food section. From stores. Target.

Yeah, because it’s Wyman’s brand. And pineapples, pears aren’t these apples whatever you fancy bananas, whatever you fancy you can use in there as long as it equals to two cups. Okay, now we want to make it green. Throws herbs now I like like herbs is this as well put my seeds know what to do because I want to get my omega three fatty gases in and I don’t eat a subtitle eat any meat right now. I have to get it through my feed. So I always have seeds, so you know so I’m getting that and then you’re gonna powder there are so many products. I mean you can hit or swim. If you want to make it really premium, you could throw it in the protein powder, ones that Truvada. She makes one that tastes like a milkshake. She has a vanilla vanilla chai chocolate. But you can powdered and you can also throw in the green powder. What is it the one that you buy? At age 81 and a green Athletic Greens Yeah, if you want to if you don’t get time to be doing all of those stuff just throw in there. You know you could throw in athletic rings if you like you know just so you can get to greens in that way too. And I noticed sounds like a lot closer with the smoothie is remember is replacing a lot of your nutrients for the entire day. So if you don’t eat one vegetable the rest of the day you catch as you’re writing your smoothie. Okay. The other thing is I don’t want herb and my favorite one is I’m entre. Yes, tasted now you can’t eat they don’t taste at all so much of the reason I chose a larger one mine is because Cilantro is good for the thyroid. And so I am using things that I know that address any issues I’ve had or have had or whatever so I throw that in or you can do personally you got basil and don’t forget ginger. You can throw a little Nava ginger, you know, you st ginger in stores make sure you get organic ginger by the way because ginger is one of those things that collect a lot of pesticides, but get you organic ginger and just take them off one global jobs and throw it away and if you want to the other want to make it creamy. Okay, that’s it and we’ve been before then we want to make it a little creamy. So how can we make it creamy avocado, bananas, mango, nut butters, any of those things will make it creamy. And now we’re ready to turn air. The Bite of the Vitamix it makes my oh my god market but, you know So yeah, that’s do that’s going to give you a very smooth movie.

I’m the lazy girl here. Let me just tell you what I do. There’s a company Koblin topia, blend topia actually has a political swing. You can see it and you tell us whether or not I’m on the right track to like

read the ingredients.

Okay, so they sell and Tobia at Whole Foods, my buyers directly from like us. But what it is is you have to blend so they have these right so I’m gonna say they come in like a little they come home Whole Foods. Then they put like the super, super food and I’m gonna say really well which is this one right here. So this one, it doesn’t look like this by the way. It comes home. Is it nutrition effects. It has energy they have Monster Energy, they haven’t Keesmaat smoothie. They have all these different types of smoothies to crazy ingredients. Yeah. crazy to me should have thought so they have pineapple banana, blueberry, coconut, cinnamon and then they have a superfood chips which is a chia seeds flax and I have this every single day because we go smoothie. And this one has pineapple bananas mango. Hemp seeds, flax seeds, goji berries. Kima. I don’t know what that is

into words. So it’s following a formula. It is already

no it’s not already made. It’s pretty it’s already frozen for you. Okay. It’s not quite as a whole ingredient and we will accept it. I do. I use these packets. And then I use apple juice and water and then I’ll put in other things I put in my green powder. I’ll put in what do you call it? It’s a protein that helps with elasticity of the skin and in the nail. You know what I mean? Right there but it’s like that collagen pungent. It’s a vegan collagen that I put in. Because colons are caused by animals to put in a super super mushroom which has Rishi few different mushrooms with that powder however, it’s made by a wet cleaning actually, that powder. I just started that I started adding mushrooms. But I do add the mushrooms the beet powder the collagen 81

I want to give you

the reason why I do apple juice is because I liked the taste. He wants to give it just a little too sweet. But I have to add honestly if I didn’t add anything to it which I’ve done many many times I’m good to go yeah

but it’s the lazy girl way couldn’t have gone into blender. Man already seven ingredients. You know it’s a me cost wise is the same as if you go out to Starbucks you say I’m glad I have a smoothie in store for her pack for and this pack the pack that they have just pulled people to smoothies. I said

why use well hold on hold on. Let’s try it out is the lazy girl with it.

New transit. Okay, okay, cool. So you guys got some two year old movies, you know, challenge you to send us your favorite smoothie recipes. So you can go into our Facebook group if you’re not a member, go join at the brown women wellness basics group. Go share something you can send us you know things to info at Bronwyn wellness comm you can communicate with regardless now you’re out there talking so now let’s see how did you feel when Jack Yeah DJ studio now you know they have to have this energy they have to feed off their own energy because while we’re looking at their two three camera cameras

I have this why don’t you share with us what you don’t like let’s switch it oh enemy because I have before I just my method. I make some really you know it’s always this is why people like to go into you go every time you trying to make something out right? Even if you’re not trying to mend this. This will just come out

as a formula and we’ll put this form on our website you’ll be able to go to brown.com in our newsletter and our newsletters well you’ll get this formula and who is leaving me loves chocolate. A man said to me, what do you make of

the kitchen? smoothie I was I want to jump up or down and just

make one every day every day. So I might I mean if he finally gets some of our people what to do just gotta show and you know so I think he will be tracking later. On. All right, so there’s hope for everyone. In closing, this is it. We hope that you’ve learned something about smoothies that you’ve probably never heard before because you know about a real deal in your salesman, or

even one

yeah, this is the show where we’re gonna give it to you.

Everywhere on social media, on Instagram and Facebook, you can email us a picture with whatever info at Brown wellness.com If you go to our website, you can also sign up for our newsletter where we share a little bit more in depth detail on just all beings around women and wellness.

All right, so we’ll see you guys next time. May

thank you for listening to living free sponsored by brown women wellness. If you want to know more about us in our podcast, check us out over on our website at Brown woman wellness.com or living inflammation free.com Join our Facebook group at living inflammation free and coming soon from our community group. And remember, we are not doctors and any information shared by awkward advice. Please always follow your doctor’s advice and don’t forget to rate and review our podcast and let us know what you loved about this week’s episode. And please to wherever you listen to your favorite podcast. Don’t forget to find us on all social platforms at Brown wellness or at living inflammation and free those with links to what we talked about today. In episode scription box Talk soon

Can you cook without using oil and keep the flavor?

Cutting down on oil consumption can save your life. In this week’s episode, we are going to be showing you ways to cook without oil. Listen now to learn what makes oil so inflammatory, the benefit of cooking without oil, and how to cook without oil.

Do you have questions about your wellness routine and boundaries?

We are all about community and wellness in this episode, so let’s jump right into it.

[01:44] Why should we avoid seed oil?

[05:33] What makes oil so inflammatory

[07:52] Cooking oil vs. raw cold pressed oil

[08:22] What do we use oil for most of the time? 

[08:25] Six (6) ways to cook without oil


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+ Read the blog to learn more about the Lemon Vinaigrette Recipe

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Thank you for listening. We hope this podcast has been informative & an inspiring resource to create the kind of life you want with your health in mind.

To help get this podcast in front of more women like you, please consider leaving us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts here! The 10 seconds you take doing this means the WORLD to us and the women who this show will help.

How to make a savory salad that is anti-inflammatory!

Salads get a bad name because when a lot of people think of salads they think green lettuce, tomatoes, a few carrots, and salad dressings, they are even selling salads in bags now to make things easier, but if you are not careful, it is easy to make a salad inflammatory by adding things that can make it taste good but void of the nutrients needed.

On this week’s episode of Living Inflammation Free, we talk about building a good, tasty savory, healthy salad. To get you started we have a few recipes to help you out, and we even teach you how to make your own oil-free salad dressing; believe it or not, it is really simple.

Do you have questions about your wellness routine and boundaries?

We are all about community and wellness in this episode so let’s jump right into it.

[05:11] Your Salad base
[07:45] The best ingredients to build your Salad
[15:30] How to get the best store-bought Salad dressing
[17:36] How to make your Salad dressing: Lemon Vinaigrette

SALAD RECIPE (Serves 1 to 2)
1 handful of leafy greens: kale, Swiss chard, watercress, arugula, spinach (Do not exceed 10 cups per day)
1 handful of broccoli (The best source of sulforaphane which promotes liver detoxification, and Indole-3-carbinol, an anticarcinogenic compound)
1/4 cup Broccoli Sprouts (page 20) (Concentrated sulforaphane & I3C. Do not exceed four cups of sprouts per day)
1 handful of cauliflower
1 to 3 purple cabbage leaves, chopped (cheapest source of antioxidants per ounce in the world!)
1 red, yellow, or green pepper, sliced
1 to 2 slices of red, yellow, or green onion
1/2 leek, sliced, washed, and rinsed in a colander
Mushrooms (Bella, cremini, or shiitake)
1/2 avocado, sliced
1 to 3 tbsp sunflower seeds (sprouted is better)
1 to 3 tbsp hemp seeds
1/2 cup legumes, sprouted (garbanzo beans, lentils, mung beans) or cooked (black, garbanzo, kidney beans, …)
1 large apple (yes apple for sweetness)

Now from here, you can get imaginative. I like to add -Sauerkraut

Once done, add spices and herbs for more flavor.
Mix fresh or dried one tablespoon of oregano, garlic powder, turmeric, black pepper, Italian seasoning or Bragg Organic sprinkle, one teaspoon of cayenne pepper, and two tablespoons of nutritional yeast. Each of these spices adds flavor and has anti-inflammation and anti-cancer properties; keep in a small mason jar or resealable container and shake until well mixed.


Dijon mustard – rich, creamy depth of flavor
Apple cider vinegar – for a sour bite
Lemon juice – fresh is best for zip and brightness
Garlic – freshly minced adds pungency and flavor
Salt – sea salt or Kosher to elevate and enhance flavors
Maple syrup – smooths out the sharpness
Cracked black pepper – for a spicy peppery flavor
Fresh or dried oregano or thyme – any combination of herbs to add flavor
Hot pepper flakes – a hint of heat
¼ avocado – optional for richness and creaminess


Whisk all ingredients together in a bowl or jar.
If adding avocado (for richness and creaminess), place all ingredients in the blender and process until smooth.
Store in the fridge in a jar or air-tight container for up to a week.


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Thank you for listening. We hope this podcast has been informative & an inspiring resource to create the kind of life you want with your health in mind.

To help get this podcast in front of more women like you, please consider leaving us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts here! The 10 seconds you take doing, this means the WORLD to us and the women who this show will help.

Where should you start to live Inflammation-Free? 8 Easy steps to get started!

Today we will give you actionable steps to help rid your body of inflammations. We also talk about the different kinds of inflammation, how they differ and how your body reacts to them.

Do you have questions about your wellness routine and boundaries?

We are all about community and wellness in this episode so let’s jump right into it.

[04:47] The two different kinds of inflammation.

[05:28] 6 Warning signs to help you figure out whether you have chronic inflammation

[10:20] 5 easy tips to help you calm inflammation in your body

[15:15] Health implication of red, processed meat

[18:07] 3 food groups from which we get the most sodium

[19:18] Recommended dosage of daily intake of greens

[24:59] Healthy oil you can use

[28:14] How to eliminate prolonged stress


+ Download the living inflammation-free food and pantry Guide https://bit.ly/Pantryguide

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Thank you for listening. We hope this podcast has been informative & an inspiring resource to create the kind of life you want with your health in mind.

To help get this podcast in front of more women like you, please consider leaving us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts here! The 10 seconds you take doing this means the WORLD to us and the women who this show will help.

Five foods categories to get rid of inflammation

In this week’s episode, we share five food categories to help you get rid of your inflammation. We also dive deep into how to make tasty smoothies without compromising your health.

Do you have questions about your wellness routine and boundaries?

We are all about community and wellness in this episode so let’s jump right into it.

[01:15] Why do we want to live inflammation free?

[02:24] signs that show you’re inflamed

[03:15] Some foods you need to incorporate in your daily lifestyle that’ll help you calm inflammation

[05:26] Keeping good oxygen flowing in your blood vessel: The secret of greens

[07:15] Easiest way to incorporate greens into your daily diet

[12:00] What you should never include in your smoothie

[14:35] Sugar craving: making smoothies without sugar

[16:45] the power of kale: how to incorporate kale into your smoothie

[19:02] How to make your smoothie creamy, the healthy way

[25:19] Other food categories that will help rid your body of inflammation

[30:23]. What to expect from other episodes


+ Download the living inflammation-free food and pantry Guide

+ Grab the Smoothie Freebie

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Thank you for listening. We hope this podcast has been informative & an inspiring resource to create the kind of life you want with your health in mind.

To help get this podcast in front of more women like you, please consider leaving us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts here! The 10 seconds you take doing this means the WORLD to us and the women who this show will help.

Well Honestly, Final Episode

This is a bittersweet moment for Well Honestly Podcast as we transition into Living Inflammation-free podcast, where you can find our 1st episode immediately.

Why are we doing this? We are changing our focus to concentrate on the #1 cause of most pain, most diseases which include the #1 killers, heart disease, cancer along with diabetes, obesity, arthritis, auto-immune diseases, and so much more. 

If you listen to our new Podcast Living Inflammation Free, we will give you easily actionable tips on selecting the best food choices and recipes to go with the food choices.

Do you have questions about your wellness routine and boundaries?

We are all about community and wellness on this episode so let’s jump right into it.

[01:18] Overview of who we are and what we do, and why we decided to take a break

[07:57]What we want to teach you in Living inflammation Free Podcast

[08:38] Aaqila’s background in food 

[09:50] program we will put in place to help you with chronic inflammation

[12:30] Keeping it simple: We will bring you foods that are tasty and healthy at the same time

[18:19] Changing your food palate with support from like-minded people

[23:20] It takes many steps to change your palate

[26:54] Andretta Story: how it all started

[28:38] Diet Culture: is this good for you?


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Thank you for listening. We hope this podcast has been informative & an inspiring resource to create the kind of life you want with your health in mind.

To help get this podcast in front of more women like you, please consider leaving us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts here! The 10 seconds you take doing this means the WORLD to us and the women who this show will help.