Well Honestly, Final Episode

This is a bittersweet moment for Well Honestly Podcast as we transition into Living Inflammation-free podcast, where you can find our 1st episode immediately.

Why are we doing this? We are changing our focus to concentrate on the #1 cause of most pain, most diseases which include the #1 killers, heart disease, cancer along with diabetes, obesity, arthritis, auto-immune diseases, and so much more. 

If you listen to our new Podcast Living Inflammation Free, we will give you easily actionable tips on selecting the best food choices and recipes to go with the food choices.

Do you have questions about your wellness routine and boundaries?

We are all about community and wellness on this episode so let’s jump right into it.

[01:18] Overview of who we are and what we do, and why we decided to take a break

[07:57]What we want to teach you in Living inflammation Free Podcast

[08:38] Aaqila’s background in food 

[09:50] program we will put in place to help you with chronic inflammation

[12:30] Keeping it simple: We will bring you foods that are tasty and healthy at the same time

[18:19] Changing your food palate with support from like-minded people

[23:20] It takes many steps to change your palate

[26:54] Andretta Story: how it all started

[28:38] Diet Culture: is this good for you?


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Thank you for listening. We hope this podcast has been informative & an inspiring resource to create the kind of life you want with your health in mind.

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