Well Honestly: Episode 41: Did You Know About These In’s and Out’s? (From Face Masks to Stool Mass)

In this weeks episode we talk about all of the things that impact what goes in your body and the warning signs shown by what comes out of your body. We give a breakdown of ways you can make sure the quality of the air you breathe through your face mask is safe. We also dive into the ways your body shares its inner battles with you through your “poop”. Yes, we get real personal on today’s episode because OUR heath is worthy of a few conversation. We breakdown a few simple things to think about adding to your health regimen.  We share statistics, impact and advice on the questions to ask, research and tips to tackle managing your wellness journey.

Do you have questions about your mask requirements and how to navigate getting your gut health in order?

We are in the same boat.

 We are all about community and wellness on this episode so lets jump right into it.

[01:03] Aaqila Shares A Major Life Update 

[04:10] What you need to know about Wearing a Face Mask

[07:00] The Truth About This Commonly Used Substance That You NEED To Know About

[11:00] The Truth About Being Aware Of Your Mask Conditions

[13:40] The Key Takeaway for Managing Your Bowel Wellness. (You’re Dying Faster)

[23:00] More About Us & Our Mission & How to Be featured on our podcast


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Thank you for listening. We hope this podcast has been informative & an inspiring resource to create the kind of life you want with your health in mind.

To help get this podcast in front of more women like you, please consider leaving us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts here! The 10 seconds you take doing this means the WORLD to us and the women who will be helped by this show.

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Well Honestly: Episode 40:The Mental Health Struggle (It All Starts In The Mind) Part 2

In this weeks episode we breakdown a few tips to finding balance, peace and building mental health. Many mental illnesses are brought on by biology that may not change despite good self-care. It doesn’t mean that you are a failure; it just means you need a little help. All too often, we go to the doctor only to leave with a prescription and a follow up appointment. Rarely, are we told about wholistic measures prior to medication. We breakdown a few simple things to think about adding to your health regimen.  We share statistics, impact and advice on the questions to ask, research and tips to tackle managing your wellness journey.

Do you have questions about your mind and body and how to navigate getting your physical and mental health in order?

We are in the same boat.

 We are all about community and wellness on this episode so lets jump right into it.

[01:40] What you need to know about Verbalizing Your Needs

[04:00] What you need to know about Over thinking 

[05:30] What you need to know about validating relationships by time ONLY

[09:00] What you need to know about relationship management.

[09:40] What you need to know about comparison addictions
[13:00] What you need to know about fitting in

[15:00] The Truth About Balance

[16:30] The Truth About Change

[15:00] The Truth About Balance

[15:00] The Truth About Doing Things ALONE

[19:00] The Key Takeaway for Managing Your Wellness. 

[20:00] More About Us & Our Mission & How to Be featured on our podcast


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Thank you for listening. We hope this podcast has been informative & an inspiring resource to create the kind of life you want with your health in mind.

To help get this podcast in front of more women like you, please consider leaving us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts here! The 10 seconds you take doing this means the WORLD to us and the women who will be helped by this show.

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Well Honestly: Episode 39:The Mental Health Struggle (It All Starts In The Mind) Part 1

In this weeks episode we breakdown a few tips to finding balance, peace and building mental health. Many mental illnesses are brought on by biology that may not change despite good self-care. It doesn’t mean that you are a failure; it just means you need a little help. All too often, we go to the doctor only to leave with a prescription and a follow up appointment. Rarely, are we told about wholistic measures prior to medication. We breakdown a few simple things to think about adding to your health regimen.  We share statistics, impact and advice on the questions to ask, research and tips to tackle managing your wellness journey.

Do you have questions about your mind and body and how to navigate getting your physical and mental health in order?

We are in the same boat.

 We are all about community and wellness on this episode so lets jump right into it.

[01:40] Introduction of Topic: The Mental Health Struggle 

[05:00] What you need to know about the stress of communicating with others. 

[06:00] What you need to know about acknowledging the Truth about your role in the lives of others.

[07:00] What you need to know about time management.

[08:00] What you need to know about Toxicity and your role in engaging 

[10:10] What you need to know about the impact your family has on your ability to find peace/boundaries/joy

[17:17] The Truth About Balance

[20:00] The Key Takeaway for Managing Your Wellness. 

[19:40] More About Us & Our Mission & How to Be featured on our podcast


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Thank you for listening. We hope this podcast has been informative & an inspiring resource to create the kind of life you want with your health in mind.

To help get this podcast in front of more women like you, please consider leaving us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts here! The 10 seconds you take doing this means the WORLD to us and the women who will be helped by this show.

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Well Honestly: Episode: 38- Did You Know? – What The Doctors DON’T Tell You!-

In this weeks episode we breakdown some things that doctors fail to tell you to help with your wellness journey. All too often, we go to the doctor only to leave with a prescription and a follow up appointment. Rarely, are we told about wholistic measures prior to medication. We breakdown a few simple things to think about adding to your health regimen.  We share statistics, impact and advice on the questions to ask, research and tips to tackle managing your journey.

Do you have questions about your body and how to navigate getting your health in order? We are in the same boat.

 We are all about community and wellness on this episode so lets jump right into it.

 [00:55] Introduction: Its The Way Of The World

[02:55] Overview of the Topic: Did You Know? Things The Doctor Didn’t Tell You.

[06:00] The Truth About Stool Softeners: ARTICLE

[07:00] The Truth About Heart Burn : ARTICLE

[08:40] The Truth About  Ashwagandha and Maca Root : ARTICLE

[10:00] The Truth About Your Cleaning Products: ARTICLE

[12:00] The Truth About The Grapefruit Challenge: Article

[13:00] The Truth About Activated Charcoal : Article

[15:00] The Truth About Green Tea: Article

[17:40] The Truth About Balance

[18:45] The Key Takeaway for Managing Your Wellness. 

[19:40] More About Us & Our Mission & How to Be featured on our podcast


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Thank you for listening. We hope this podcast has been informative & an inspiring resource to create the kind of life you want with your health in mind.

To help get this podcast in front of more women like you, please consider leaving us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts here! The 10 seconds you take doing this means the WORLD to us and the women who will be helped by this show.

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Well Honestly: Episode 37: Did You Know… Shocking Health Statistics for Black Women

In this weeks episode we breakdown a few pressing health statistics that are flying underneath the radar of the black community. We share statistics, impact and advice on the questions to ask, research and tips to tackle managing your journey.

Do you have questions about your body and how to navigate getting your health in order? We are in the same boat. 

 We are all about community and wellness on this episode so lets jump right into it.


[06:30] Overview of the Topic: Did you know about the side effects of “Creamy Crack”? Source: Article

[13:25] Did you know this about Black Women & Lupus? Source : Article

[16:45] The Key Takeaway for Managing Your Wellness. Source: SHARE Cancer Support Ambassador:  SITE
Foodbites : SITE
Sisters Are Us Circle of Survivors: SITE
TOUCH, The Black Breast Cancer Alliance : SITE
READ THIS ARTICLE for a deep dive into black women and the wellness journey: HERE

[18:50] More About Us & Our Mission & How to Be featured on our podcast


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Thank you for listening. We hope this podcast has been informative & an inspiring resource to create the kind of life you want with your health in mind.

To help get this podcast in front of more women like you, please consider leaving us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts here! The 10 seconds you take doing this means the WORLD to us and the women who will be helped by this show.

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Well Honestly: Episode 35: She Get It From Her Momma Part 2

Do you have questions about your body and how to navigate getting your health in order? We are in the same boat. 

During this episode we talk about the power of knowing what elements you need to keep your wellness in mind. We break down what to look for, talk about with your doctor and research when it comes to the being aware of what you need to do emotionally and mentally on your wellness journey. We are all about community and wellness on this episode so lets jump right into it.


[03:50] Overview of the Topic: The Fundamentals of Growth within the Family dynamic

[07:05] The Dynamics of Coming/Leaving Home

[11:52] The Only Child Syndrome

[14:55]  Role Reversal

[17:00] More About Us & Our Mission & How to Be featured on our podcast


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Thank you for listening. We hope this podcast has been informative & an inspiring resource to create the kind of life you want with your health in mind.

To help get this podcast in front of more women like you, please consider leaving us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts here! The 10 seconds you take doing this means the WORLD to us and the women who will be helped by this show.

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Well Honestly: Episode 35: She Get It From Her Momma Part 1

Do you have questions about your body and how to navigate getting your health in order? We are in the same boat. 

During this episode we talk about the power of knowing what elements you need to keep your wellness in mind. We break down what to look for, talk about with your doctor and research when it comes to the being aware of what you need to do emotionally and mentally on your wellness journey. We are all about community and wellness on this episode so lets jump right into it.


[03:00] Overview of the Topic: The Fundamentals of Defining Family

[07:30] The Dynamics of Building Your Own Identity

[10:30] The Struggle of Giving Advice As a Mother

[14:20] Making The Best of Growing Pains

[17:00] More About Us & Our Mission & How to Be featured on our podcast


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Thank you for listening. We hope this podcast has been informative & an inspiring resource to create the kind of life you want with your health in mind.

To help get this podcast in front of more women like you, please consider leaving us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts here! The 10 seconds you take doing this means the WORLD to us and the women who will be helped by this show.

Click here to go to our Podcast Website

Well Honestly: Episode 34:The Fundamentals of Fasting

Do you have questions about your body and how to navigate getting your health in order? We are in the same boat. 

During this episode we talk about the power of knowing what elements you need to keep your wellness in mind while fasting. We break down what to look for, talk about with your doctor and research when it comes to the being aware of what you need to do emotionally and mentally on your wellness journey. We are all about community and wellness on this episode so lets jump right into it.


[02:17] Overview of the Topic: The Fundamentals of Fasting (Article)

[04:00] Types of Fasting and Protocol for Each (ARTICLE)

[06:30] Best App To Use While Fasting  (ARTICLE)

[12:25] Best Ways to Break Your Fast (ARTICLE)

[14:09] More About Us & Our Mission & How to Be featured on our podcast


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Thank you for listening. We hope this podcast has been informative & an inspiring resource to create the kind of life you want with your health in mind.

To help get this podcast in front of more women like you, please consider leaving us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts here! The 10 seconds you take doing this means the WORLD to us and the women who will be helped by this show.

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Well Honestly: Episode 33: The Emotional Side of The Wellness Journey

Do you have questions about your body and how to navigate getting your health in order? We are in the same boat. 

During this episode we talk about the power of knowing what elements you need to keep your wellness in mind. We break down what to look for, talk about with your doctor and research when it comes to the being aware of what you need to do emotionally and mentally on your wellness journey. We are all about community and wellness on this episode so lets jump right into it.


[01:17] Overview of the Topic: The Emotional Side of Wellness (ARTICLE)

[02:20] How to Accept Help When You’re Uncomfortable On Your Wellness Journey (ARTICLE)

[05:15] Tips to Getting Your Mind Right (ARTICLE)

[10:12] This Too Shall Pass (ARTICLE)

[15:00] More About Us & Our Mission & How to Be featured on our podcast


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Thank you for listening. We hope this podcast has been informative & an inspiring resource to create the kind of life you want with your health in mind.

To help get this podcast in front of more women like you, please consider leaving us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts here! The 10 seconds you take doing this means the WORLD to us and the women who will be helped by this show.

Click here to go to our Podcast Website

Well Honestly: Episode 32: Healthy Tips to Sleep Better

Do you have questions about your body and how to navigate getting your health in order? We are in the same boat. 

During this episode we talk about the power of knowing what elements you need to keep your wellness in mind. We break down what to look for, talk about with your doctor and research when it comes to the being aware of what you put into your body to prepare for sleeping. We are all about community and wellness on this episode so lets jump right into it.


[01:03] Overview of the Topic: How to Know if you sleep with your  Eyes Open? (ARTICLE)

[05:20] How To Know If You’re Struggling with Sleeping? (ARTICLE)

[07:55] Tips to Go To Sleep & Why Good Sleep Is Important? (ARTICLE)

[12:30] More About Us & Our Mission & How to Be featured on our podcast


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Thank you for listening. We hope this podcast has been informative & an inspiring resource to create the kind of life you want with your health in mind.

To help get this podcast in front of more women like you, please consider leaving us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts here! The 10 seconds you take doing this means the WORLD to us and the women who will be helped by this show.

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