In this episode, we dive deep into the age-old question, “Why do I always feel so tired?” If you’ve been experiencing a rapid decline in energy and a loss of zest for life, you’re not alone. Join us as we explore the 11 inflammatory foods that could wreak havoc on your body and zap your motivation. From margarine to candy, we uncover the culprits behind chronic inflammation and provide practical alternatives to revitalize your energy levels. Say goodbye to fatigue and hello to a vibrant life!
[0:00] Why do I always feel so tired? The million-dollar question why do people always feel tired?
[1:32] The benefits of removing inflammatory foods.
Eleven inflammatory foods that make you tired.
[3:32] What’s the number one food that causes inflammation?
[7:57] Why are refined grains bad for you?
[11:30] Doughnuts, fried food, and sugar are linked to inflammation.
[13:59] What to do when you’re tired?
Get inspired and replace bad foods with good ones.
Why do I always feel so tired? That’s the million dollar question. That’s a question that a lot of people ask themselves all the time. But today, we’re going to tell you why you always feel so tired. And not only that, we’re going to give you some solutions on how you can not feel so tired. So stay tuned and come back. Hey, brown beauties. Welcome to live in inflammation free with me. andretta. Robison, your functional nutrition health coach, and I’m Akela Harvey, we are Your mother daughter hosts bringing two different generations together bi weekly to give you easy, actionable steps to help read your body of chronic inflammation. Hey, hey, hey, and dread is here again, for another solo episode. Episode. I’m sorry, I miss my sidekick. But she’ll be here hopefully before this episode is over. If not, we’ll catch you on the next one. But today’s topic is one that I think resonates with everybody. And it’s that one we ask ourselves, sometimes in the middle of the day, at the end of the day, in the morning before you grab your coffee, why are you tired? Okay. So, you know, before I used to ask myself that question, as well, I have a lot of energy to me, you know, I can run circles around people, twice younger than me. But you know, that’s another story for another day. But I used to ask myself that. And when I started removing some of those inflammatory foods and other inflammatory things in my life, my energy level actually picked up. Because if you haven’t noticed, and I’m sure you have that the older you get, the more your energy can tank. And I mean, sometimes at a rapid pace. I mean, you like, Oh my God, why am I so tired, which is why so many people feel worn out and sluggish and out of it by the time they reach middle age. And they have this low energy. But it’s a feeling like you know, you feel like you’re losing your zest for life that you once had. And you may find yourself feeling weak and exhausted. And it just zaps your motivation. Big time, you know, you have all these plans for the things you want to do and but your energy is not you know, your your brain want to do it. But your energy level is just not there. What today, we’re going to talk about 11 inflammatory foods that could be wreaking havoc on your body causing you to be tired. Yeah, what you eat can make you tired. Also, what you think too can make you tired to thinking negative thoughts can make you tired as well. So why don’t we remind you to get rid of those negative thoughts in your life as well. But today, we’re gonna talk about food. So in case you don’t remember, we’re gonna remind you what chronic inflammation is. And that’s what we’re talking about here. Unlike acute inflammation, which is a short term effect, when you experience an infection or tissue damage, like a deep cut on your body. You know, that’s that’s infection. That’s acute inflammation. You know, there’s nothing wrong with that kind of inflammation. But chronic is that slow, long lesson. Sometimes it just stays there. And it can just go on for too long. So let’s find out about the top 11 level inflammatory foods that could be causing havoc. What’s number one? Oh, wonder anybody out there could guess what the number one food is. And it’s so crazy, because when I was doing the research on this, and I saw it as number one, I was like, Are you kidding me? Do people still use margarine? Do you? I bet you got some Blue Bonnet in your refrigerator. If you do. Throw it out. Okay, Blue Bonnet, muttering margarine is one of the top inflammatory because you put it on everything. Think about it, you’re putting margarine. If you’re not using butter, it’s ultra processed food did you know they made margarine out of plastic and it can cause inflammation in the body and negatively impact your heart health. Try using olive oil instead. Okay, if you must have it number two, sugar sweetened beverages. Whoa blebbing. So these these things here cause chronic inflammation, they release what is called cytokines, cytokines. And you might have heard that word during the pandemic because a lot of people were suffering from this release in pro inflammatory cytokines. So if you’re soda lover, I thought pop. This may be less sugar than those traditional sodas and gotta call no names, but you know, Coca Cola, Pepsi and all and people. There’s one out there called lollipop. Try it. It may offer some benefits. I’ll try sparkling water with some lemon, you know and put your favorite fruit in there like some strawberries or some Unlike that, but yeah, Ali pop is an alternative. It’s okay. The number three. Wow, this is a hard one for a lot of people to just be still my heart. This was a hard one for me to give up too. So I understand it’s fried food. Yeah, fried food can produce a compound call. Let me miss this word up real good acrylamide. Okay, it’ll be in the show notes if you want to find out what it is. But anyway, fall my scientific nerds out there because I know I got some nerds out there. Anyway, some data suggests that high consumption of this compound is linked to inflammation. Yeah, french fries. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. French fries it’s hard to give up. I found a way to bake them in the oven and make them crunchy too so it took me some research to do that but yeah french fries because you know what it is they’re using that same or over and over and over again. And so they’re not cleaning the oil in your fast food places if you’re at home you know and you’re probably using a clean all maybe not so bad but you know those people we know but a lot of people eat not all the time you know so you’re getting that french fries has been fried in those inflammatory oils. Okay, all right. Well, this is an obvious one number four is alcohol so all right is so much information out there because you know some people say well red wine is good for you How could it be inflammatory way you know, they not talking about drinking a whole bottle of red we talked about this in another episode on how easy it is to sit at home and drink a whole bottle by yourself but that’s moderate alcohol consumption appears to be associated with reduced inflammation moderate what was moderate Can you drink one glass or half a glass? I hope you can. excessive alcohol consumption has opposite effect now it’s pro inflammatory. So the daily guidelines This is the one that any you know, I never went by the FDA but you know, but hey, this is what they put out there. They recommend that people choose not to consume alcohol or limit alcohol intake to two drinks in less than a day for men and one drink less and a day for women. That’s been long the guideline but you know once you start drinking, they’re gonna give you some salty chips and you’re gonna keep drinking but anyway mocktails now this is one of my favorites. I’ve been doing mocktails because mocktails is Yeah, and ain’t got no alcohol it is much fun. But you know you can make them feel you know, so you know, alcohol is like a social event for most people. So sometimes you just find yourself drinking alone because other people are drinking but I now go to events and I make them make me a nice mock tale years just like the name sounds but hey, bad you know it’s a lot of varieties you can work with number five. Oh boy. Refined grains. What is a refined grain? Okay, I know y’all think we flowers healthy is not okay. Refined. Raw wheat flour has been stripped of slow digesting fibers and nutrients which means your body break them down very quickly. And the more your body digests a glucose containing foods the faster your blood sugar can spike. These spikes can spike your insulin level Okay, making it pro inflammatory. So refined grains are not good for you. Oh, yeah, so yeah, refined grains. Grains are found in bread sounds sounds like Yeah, yeah, yeah. So you know you gotta sandwich Oh sandwiches we say anyway said which? When you eat these breads and I’m gonna name Yeah, I’m gonna go ahead and name a few of them. That’s really bad because you see them on the shelf all the time. All right. wonderbread stay away. Sunbeam. Stay away. Oh, y’all think Pepperidge Farm is good, don’t you? That Pepperidge Farm farmhouse multigrain bread, bad inflammatory. Here’s one that I see people picking up and I know it’s good. Is that king of wine and sweet sliced bread, bad inflammatory again, just this is for your information. Just remind yourself when you’re buying it. You know, don’t eat the whole loaf. Okay, that’s what we that’s what we’re trying to tell you here. You know, I’m not saying don’t ever have it or but you know, the more you know, the better you’re going to do. Right? Number six.
Speaker 1 9:42
Oh my god. Yeah, plastic. Everything is in plastic and plastic is so inflammatory. Yes, I know. You know about BPA containers. Yes. As you know, they use it for packaging. It prevents the cam from rusting, you know, but BPA can leach into your food and it can induce chronic inflammation. All right, so many brands now advertising that the packaging is BPA free. So be free. You know, look for those if you can. All right. Number seven did that. Process meat? Yeah. Sausage, bacon. Hot dogs. Love that stuff, don’t we? But guess what is inflammatory. If you’re tired, you know, I eat a sandwich. So let’s let’s think about this. You got the Sunbeam bread. You put in the you put in the sausage or bacon between the toasts. You go out and all of a sudden you just get tired. You know how you eat sometimes and you’re tight. Here’s your reason. Okay. It’s the processed meats and yes, sausage, bacon and hotdogs fall on the process mean in case you didn’t know that. All right. Let’s go to the next one. Number eight. Okay, candy. I mean, duh. You’re just basically eating pure sugar. So and while it could be satisfying, you know, it could contribute to chronic inflammation. So just try to limit your intake on glucose, fructose, anything with that all set to end if you see it in the packaging is not good for you and it will make you tired. It’s it’s good going down. But you know about an hour later, you’re tired. You know, try to stay away from candy. Number nine. Oh, don’t kill me. Don’t kill me. Don’t kill me. Don’t kill me. How am I police officers out there. Hi. But I know y’all grab doughnuts every morning. Number nine is the Dow nut. So we already know that eating fried food and high quantities of sugar linked to chronic low grade inflammation. But when you combine them in one bite, like when you indulge in a doughnut, you’re gonna double whammy of inflammation, man. I mean, you’re gonna be tired. I mean, not tired tide. Number 10. Oh, man, this was a hard one for me because I like pasta is pasta. So it has a refined grain and it has a real low glycemic index. But when it comes to promoting inflammation, but it does have pro inflammatory can be linked to higher inflammation. Now, there are pastors now though, have you noticed on the shelf, their pasta is made out of all kinds of things. So you know, look at your ingredients. I like brown rice pasta, because it’s low inflammatory when I do make pasta dishes. Alright, number 11. And finally, we’re at the end because I know you guys are tired of hearing about these things. But I gotta tell you, right, I’m here to tell you. Oregon meat. Yeah. Wow. Liver. Ooh, we think livers good for us. Was organ meats. Okay, this food has a pro inflammatory potential. It is actually is chronic low grade inflammation. So just watch origami. Yeah. And that includes, Hey, are you chitterlings lovers out there? We know channeling is got to be inflammatory. And it is. But I know somebody wants to fight me for that. So fight me. Alright, so we know now that we get rid of these foods. We can be on a journey. It’s not a sprint. You can pick one at a time to eliminate and evaluate how you feel. Just you know, just all of a sudden go a week without and see how you feel. You know, I know we’re not trying to tell you to quit everything. And we know again that you know this thing of getting inflammation free is a journey, not a sprint. But if you find yourself tired all the time, continue to be inspired. Replace the bad foods with good ones, and your energy will soar. Alright, that’s enough for today. And you got 11 foods to work with. Eliminate into your diet. And as always, what do we always say at the end? Please, please continue. Tell your friends. Tell your family. Tell them about us. Find us everywhere. Download us. Email us. Please let us know what you’re thinking about this just so much better when we hear from you at info at Brown women And I’ll see you on the next episode. This is andretta Bye.
Speaker 2 14:47
Thank you for listening to living inflammation free sponsored by brown women wellness. If you want to know more about us and our podcast check us out over on our website at Brown women or living inflammation Join our Facebook group at living inflammation free and coming soon our brown and wellness community group. And remember, we are not doctors and any information shared by us is not medical advice. Please always follow your doctor’s advice and
Speaker 1 15:12
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Speaker 2 15:21
Don’t forget to find us across all social platforms at Brown women wellness or at living inflammation free. As always show notes with links to what we talked about today in this week’s episode will be in the description box Talk soon.