Megan: What is “Service Work” ??

Megan is a familiar face at AA Mokena Fellowship, and with AA meetings 5 times a day, it takes a lot of volunteer hours to keep things running smoothly.  From opening the door to helping out in the community – Megan tells us that service leads to the world turning a different shade of wonderful. Service saved her life, and it started with cleaning up coffee pots, clearing tables and taking out trash.

Find out why Mike, Glenn and Megan find service work important and why they still do it today.

If you know someone who needs to hear this episode, share it with them!

In this episode:

AA Mokena Fellowship:

For more about this podcast:

Visit Sober.Coffee website:

Sober.Coffee on Instagram:

Recorded at Audiohive Podcasting:

In collaboration with Care Addiction Center:

#Trending Series: Pt 9: How Long Does it Take to Get Sober

How do you get undrunk quickly? Easy, it’s a math calculation – it takes an hour to eliminate .01 of alcohol in your system. But how long does it take to get sober? That’s a loaded question starting with what you mean by sober.

In the coffee shop Mike & Glenn tell us how long it takes to get undrunk, and discuss how long it takes to get truly sober where you’re living a quality rewarding life with passion and purpose. Is it less than 3 months? 1-2 years? 5-10 years?  Listen in as Mike & Glenn talk about their life experiences and answer the loaded question of how long it takes to get sober.

If you know someone who needs to hear this episode, share it with them!

Mentioned in this episode:

What Does Sober Mean?

What Is Dry Drunk?

Learning To Live As A Left-Hander:

For more about this podcast:

Visit Sober.Coffee website:

Sober.Coffee on Instagram:

Recorded at Audiohive Podcasting:

In collaboration with Care Addiction Center:

Can you cook without using oil and keep the flavor?

Cutting down on oil consumption can save your life. In this week’s episode, we are going to be showing you ways to cook without oil. Listen now to learn what makes oil so inflammatory, the benefit of cooking without oil, and how to cook without oil.

Do you have questions about your wellness routine and boundaries?

We are all about community and wellness in this episode, so let’s jump right into it.

[01:44] Why should we avoid seed oil?

[05:33] What makes oil so inflammatory

[07:52] Cooking oil vs. raw cold pressed oil

[08:22] What do we use oil for most of the time? 

[08:25] Six (6) ways to cook without oil


+ Download the living inflammation-free food and pantry Guide

+ Read the blog to learn more about the Lemon Vinaigrette Recipe

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+ Living Inflammation Free Food & Pantry Guide


Thank you for listening. We hope this podcast has been informative & an inspiring resource to create the kind of life you want with your health in mind.

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PRO SOBRIETY! – AA Alternative(s) Part 4 -SMART Recovery

Laura joins Mike & Glenn in the coffee shop to talk about SMART Recovery. Laura found SMART Recovery after she ended her chaotic relationship with drugs 40 years ago. Why after? Ten years ago she discovered her son was a heroin user. Knowing him, she knew he wouldn’t buy into the 12 step program, so she went looking for answers. While her son never attended any meetings, SMART Recovery changed her life and Laura is now a recovery coach.

An alternative to AA, SMART Recovery has a large online community all over the world – you are always able to access a meeting of peers 24 hours a day. SMART is a secular program – they believe a person’s faith often drives recovery but it’s personal and individual. SMART works on a 4 point program:

  1. Maintaining motivation
  2. Resisting urges
  3. Managing our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors acceptably
  4. Living a balanced life

If you know someone who needs to hear this episode, share it with them!

Mentioned in this episode:

SMART Recovery:

Live For Lali:

For more about this podcast:

Visit Sober.Coffee website:

Sober.Coffee on Instagram:

Recorded at Audiohive Podcasting:

In collaboration with Care Addiction Center: