Episode 106: A conversation with Suzy Hopkins and Hallie Bateman on their book, “What to do when I am gone.”

Suzy Hopkins is a retired journalist who worked for four Northern California newspapers, then founded and ran a community magazine in the Sierra foothills for 10 years. 

Hallie Bateman is a writer and illustrator based in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in The New Yorker, The New York Times, Buzzfeed and many others. Together Suzy and Hallie created the book: What to Do When I’m Gone: A Mother’s Wisdom to Her Daughter.

“How’s Your Year Going” ?? Laying a Sober Foundation

The foundation to building a life in recovery doesn’t always start with lofty goals and high expectations. Sometimes slow and steady builds the sturdiest foundation. The question “how are you doing now that it’s the middle of the year?” starts an open conversation about what the middle of the year and the middle of recovery looks like for Mike  and Glenn – and just how much it has to do with how they started. 

The answer to the question of how you are doing depends on whether you’re comparing now to the start of the year, or the start of recovery, or even the start of the yesterday. Sure, someone might be doing great compared to before sobriety, but Mike & Glenn suggest that how you find growth is to ask, “are you doing better today than yesterday?” It’s part of being patient, and if you are thinking about changing your lifestyle, know that recovery is going to take time. It’s important to let it play out, be patient, and lay that foundation.

If you know someone who needs to hear this episode, share it with them!

For more about this podcast:

Visit Sober.Coffee website: https://www.sober.coffee

Recorded at Audiohive Podcasting: https://www.audiohivepodcasting.com

In collaboration with Care Addiction Center: https://www.careaddiction.com

Health Check: Impact of Drinking on Health

The news tells you drinking a glass of red wine each night improves health, but news outlets also say anyone under 40 shouldn’t drink any alcohol. The impact of alcohol on health is not always obvious and let’s face it – health is likely lowest on the priority when out there indulging. Mike and Glenn know from experience and have seen close friends suffer physically from negative impacts on alcoholism on their health. Listen in as Glenn compares alcohol to rat poison and Mike talks about mental health, stress and watching friends pay the ultimate physical price – losing your liver.

If you know someone who needs to hear this episode, share it with them!

Want more clinical information about the Impact of Alcoholism on Health?

Visit Care Addiction Center’s Resources For Recovery Blog: https://www.careaddiction.com/edu/effects-of-alcohol-on-health

Mentioned in this podcast:

9 Habits Linked To A Longer, Happier Life: https://www.cnn.com/2022/08/23/health/longevity-live-longer-tips-wellness/index.html

Alcohol Is Never Good For People Under 40: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2022/jul/14/alcohol-is-never-good-for-people-under-40-global-study-finds

For more about this podcast:

Visit Sober.Coffee website: https://www.sober.coffee

Recorded at Audiohive Podcasting: https://www.audiohivepodcasting.com

In collaboration with Care Addiction Center: https://www.careaddiction.com

Episode 104: Part two of the conversation with Thomas Attig on his book, “Catching your breath in grief.”

Tom is also a well-known speaker, having offered conference programs across the United States, Canada, and Japan and in England, Australia, Israel, and Germany as well as innumerable talks and workshops for nurses, physicians, funeral directors, clinical psychologists, social service providers, gerontologists, hospice workers, bereavement coordinators, clergy, educators, civic organizations and the general public.

He taught philosophy at Bowling Green State University for nearly twenty-five years, serving as Department Chair for eleven years and leading efforts to establish the first Ph.D. in Applied Philosophy in the world in 1987. Tom left as Professor Emeritus in Philosophy in 1995 to become an independent applied philosopher. A Past President of the Association for Death Education and Counseling, he also served as Vice-Chair of the Board of Directors of the International Work Group on Death, Dying, and Bereavement.

Key Learning: “Never Go Back”

Do you have relationships that are hurting your efforts to sobriety? Over a cup of coffee, Glenn shares his catalyst to moving towards sobriety – starting by getting out of a strenuous relationship because he was trying to get sober on a foundation that shook. 

Dr. Henry Cloud, in his book “Never Go Back: 10 Things You’ll Never Do Again” gives this advice: do the hard thing. When you recognize you’re in a situation where you’re back-and-forth, back-and-forth – do the hard thing and get out of that situation. Your life is going to suck for six months. But at the six month mark you’ll look back and say “my life is so much better”.

If you know someone who needs to hear this episode, share it with them!

Mentioned in this episode:

Song: Never Go Back Again by Fleetwood Mac: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_HM6FrSitvc

Book: Never Go Back by Dr Henry Cloud: https://www.amazon.com/Never-Go-Back-Things-Youll/dp/1451669313/

For more about this podcast:

Visit Sober.Coffee website: https://www.sober.coffee/

Recorded at Audiohive Podcasting: https://www.audiohivepodcasting.com/