Useless Lifeguards and Roadside Wolves

The guys discuss exactly what is the best invention to keep your apples and frying pans from falling under your couch,  how French business students can quench your thirst and yet still leave you sticky, and why a 2014 Hyundai Genesis guarantees you both a good time and a settlement. 

Brain Bowels, Kentucky Vows, and Benny Butt Nuggets

The guys discuss how according to Instagram it’s “nearly” impossible to fit two dozen contact lenses in your eyes, why a 30 minute bathroom break on your first day will result in a coworker kicking the door in, and when 17 cans of stolen Pringles and a getaway bike will get you a six month jail sentence. 

PeeWee Sports and Scorched Ceiling Tiles

The guys discuss when an expensive car accident necessitates canceling the family barbecue, why holding a horse above your head while looking a mile in both directions makes you irresistible to the ladies, and how mislabeled exercise equipment immediately becomes delicious to a koala bear.