Glenn and Mike take a dive into the topic of basics that they turn to on their spiritual journey.
31: The Rubber Band
Glenn and Mike discuss the omnipresent pull of old behaviors in this short segment. Just trying to figure out the God thing.
30: Prayer Part 2
Glenn and Mike discuss Prayer and its importance along our journey to the ultimate destination.
“Into Faith I Go” with special guest Dave
Dave joins Mike and Glenn, as they discuss shedding the old and plunging into faith
29: Rooted Week 10 “Why is the church important?”
Mike and Glenn explore why the church is so important in this, the last, of the 10-part ROOTED series.
28: Rooted Week 9 “Why and how should we tell others?”
As Glenn and Mike near the end of the 10-week ROOTED series, they discuss “Why should we tell others?”
27: Rooted Week 8 “How does God view money?” with Rick
Yikes… the money talk. Tune in for this transformational conversation with our friend Rick as we explore the benefits of good stewardship.
26: Rooted Week 7 “How can I make the most of my life? – Part 2” with John
John joines Mike and Glenn and talks purpose and service for this week seven of a ten-week spiritual ROOTED journey.
25: Rooted Week 6 “How can I make the most of my life? – Part 1” with Matt
Matt stops in to guest with Mike and Glenn and chats about purpose and service for this week six of a ten-week spiritual ROOTED journey.
24: Rooted Week 5 “There is an enemy” with Andy
Andy guests with Mike and Glenn and gets real about the power of the enemy during week five of a ten-week spiritual ROOTED journey.