Episode 87: A Conversation with Jennifer O’Brien about her book “The Hospice Doctor’s Widow.”

After years of caring for people with serious illness as a physician, Jennifer’s husband, Bob Lehmberg, was diagnosed with a stage IV, metastatic cancer. But caregiving for the man who had made a 40-year career of caregiving as a physician was not easy. When Jennifer’s husband was diagnosed and later after he died, she turned to what had brought her comfort for years—art journaling. She documented and depicted the raw, honest, beautiful and exhausting reality of caregiving through collage, tableaus, notes and observations.  She included much of the wisdom and perspective she learned from her husband in his years as a physician. 

Here is the link to the book

Episode 86: Paul Nash on the merits and values of multifaith chaplaincy

Paul’s Publications

  1. That’s great! You can tell us how you are feeling’ – Mark, a recently severely physically disabled 11-year-old boy with a brain tumor in G. Fitchett and S. Nolan (eds), Case Studies in spiritual care.  (with Liz Bryson and Sally Nash).   JKP, 2018
  2. Chapter Holding the whispers in the dark in Skills for children’s work SCM  2019.
  3. What do pediatric chaplains do? Developing a taxonomy of chaplaincy with children and young people. (With Emma Roberts et al) Journal for Healthcare Chaplaincy, summer 2018.
  4. Coeditor, Skills for Pediatric chaplaincy, (with Mark Bartell and Sally Nash) JKP, April 2018.
  5. What is the distinctiveness of pediatric chaplaincy? Findings from a systematic review of the literature. (with Wilf McSherry) Health and Social Care Chaplaincy, 2017.
  6. A Machine Learning Approach to Evaluating Illness-Induced Religious Struggle (With Daniel Grossoehme et al) Biomedical Informatics Insights 2017.
  7. Chaplaincy with children and young people (with Nigel Roberts) Grove Youth Series, 2016.
  8. Editor, Supporting Families with Sick Children.  Red Balloon Resources, 2016.
  9. Reflections on using metaphors in exploring spiritual and religious needs with young people with cancer and their families (with Sally Nash) Journal for the Study of Spirituality, 2015.
  10. The Chaplains – Reflecting on the BBC Two Television Series.  Health and Social Care Chaplaincy, 2015.
  11. Spiritual care with sick children and young people (with Kathryn Darby and Sally Nash).  JKP 2015.
  12. Multifaith care for sick and dying children:  a multidisciplinary guide (with Madeleine Parkes and Zamir Hussain) JKP 2015.
  13. Parents’ Spiritual and Religious Needs in Young Oncology (with Kathryn Darby and Sally Nash).  Cancer Nursing Practice, May 2014.  
  14. Understanding and responding to the spiritual and religious needs of young people with cancer (with Kathryn Darby and Sally Nash.  Cancer Nursing Practice, March 2014.  
  15. Birmingham Children’s Hospital: Pediatric end of life care and bereavement pathway in Spirituality and End of Life Care (ed Peter Gilbert), Pavilion, 2013.
  16. The spiritual care of sick children:  reflections from a pilot participation project (with Kathryn Darby and Sally Nash).  International Journal of Children’s Spirituality, 2013.
  17. Editor Working with children and young people: Good Practice Guidelines for Healthcare Chaplains Red Balloon Resources, 2013.
  18. Coping through prayer, an empirical study in implicit religion concerning prayers for      
     children in hospital (with Tania Ap Sion).  Mental Health, Religion and Culture, 2013.
  19. Supporting Dying Children and their Families, SPCK 2011.
  20. Tools for Reflective Ministry (with Sally Nash) SPCK 2009.
  21. Skills for Collaborative Ministry (with Sally Nash and Jo Pimlott) SPCK 2008.
  22. What Theology for Youth Work?  Grove Youth Series, 2007.

Episode 85: Dr. Lydia S. Dugdale on the Lost Art of Dying

Prior to her 2019 move to Columbia, she served as Associate Director of the Program for Biomedical Ethics at Yale School of Medicine. She edited Dying in the Twenty-First Century (MIT Press, 2015) and is author of The Lost Art of Dying (HarperOne, 2020), a popular press book on the preparation for death.


1.     The Lost Art of Dying: Reviving Forgotten Wisdom.

2.     Dying in the Twenty-First Century: Toward a New Ethical Framework for the Art of Dying Well.

Episode 83: Alexandra Donavan On the Intersection Between Poetry, Chaplaincy and Hospice

Alexandra has taught for California Poets in the Schools, Stillpoint Center for Spiritual Direction, Motherless Daughters of the San Gabriel Valley, and for a number of churches, community centers, and other organizations. She has had poetry and prose published in Ruminate, Gyroscope Review, Pirene’s Fountain, Selfish Magazine, Presence Journal, Poets Reading the News, and others. Alexandra received the Summer 2018 Denver Lighthouse Writers Workshop Fort Lyon Fellowship, an incredible opportunity to teach classes at the Fort Lyon Residential Community in Las Animas, Colorado.

Episode 82: A conversation with documentary film legend Terrence Youk

Terence Youk began work in film and television production in1986, first as a composer and later writing, producing, directing, and editing independent documentaries, crafting promotional media and producing news spots for a variety of broadcast clients. Under the auspices of the production company, Brook Hollow Productions, Inc., he has collaborated with carefully selected creative and technical associates according to the unique requirements of each production.

His programs for broadcast have aired on PBS, A&E, the Wisdom Channel as well as independent distributors of educational and presentation films crafted for nonprofit institutions, including: Thich Nhat Hanh & Plum Village, National Hospice Foundation, Institute of East-West Medicine and many others. He also has served as a freelance producer for several new gathering entities, including CNN, NBC, MSNBC, and ABC news.


Producer, production & editor credits include National Geographic (Most Mad Seas), A&E (Most Mad Seas), Wisdom Channel (Thich Nhat Hanh: Roots of Peace)( now defunct), PBS National (Body & Soul), CT Public television (Backyard Bird Watcher), Outdoor Life Channel (Fly Fishing in the East). News Gathering: CNN, NBC News, MSNBC, ABC news. Promotional media content: National Hospice Foundation, NHPCO, VNA of Vermont, NH VNA & Vermont Institute of Natural Science.

Award-winning independently produced films include: Thich Nhat Hanh: Roots of Peace, Numen: The Nature of Plants and Pioneers of Hospice & the Birth of Modern Hospice and The Next Dali Lama? (Director Mickey Lemle) released in 2017 (served as assistant editor).

You can find more of Terence Youk’s work on his website HERE.

Episode 81: A Conversation with Cathy Siebold on the early years of the Hospice movement

In this interview, Cathy Siebold who has witnessed firsthand the evolution of hospice care since its modern incarnation in the 1960s, presents a balanced and objective analysis of the movement’s accomplishments and failings.

You can also read more about that in her book “The Hospice Movement: Easing Death’s Pains.” 

She uses social movement theory to frame her discussion. Siebold traces the bell curve of growth, maturity, and decline that, to a point, has characterized the hospice movement. Founded by a diverse group of religious leaders, nurses, social workers, and laypeople, the movement was galvanized by the plight of a silent majority: dying patients, often isolated from family and friends in a hospital where intensive, last-ditch efforts to “cure” them were valued more than their own comfort and wishes. In its struggle to survive, the movement coalesced fairly quickly around the goal of securing eligibility for reimbursement from federally funded and private insurers. The movement attained this goal in the 1980s, giving the entire concept of hospice care legitimacy and, ironically, a secure place within the same health care system early hospice activists had struggled to escape. 

Episode 80: The legendary Paul Nash on the 10th anniversary of “Held in Hope” and Bibliotherapy

Paul is the Chaplaincy manager and Spiritual Care Lead at Birmingham Women’s and Children’s Hospital in England. He is co-founder of the Paediatric Chaplaincy Network, Centre for Paediatric Spiritual Care and Convenor of the Grove Youth Series.

Here’s a link for the videos of the books narrated by Bear Grylls.  https://paediatric-chaplaincy-network.org/resources/pcn-videos/

Episode 79: A Conversation with Chaplain Kimberly Hinz

She is ordained and ecclesiastically endorsed by the Assemblies of God. Kimberly graduated with a Master of Divinity degree from Assemblies of God Theological Seminary in Springfield, Missouri. Prior to graduate school, Kimberly received her Bachelor of Science in Religion from Liberty University, Lynchburg, Virginia. Before joining Lighthouse, Kimberly completed her Clinical Pastoral Education at Advocate Good Samaritan in Downers Grove, Illinois and at Advocate Condell Medical Center in Libertyville, Illinois. Kimberly lives with her family in LaGrange, Illinois. She has one dog, Java. Kimberly loves nature and travelling.